Earlier this week, RTÉ (Ireland’s national broadcaster) aired part two of a six-part documentary about the Dublin’s General Post Office. The series, told in weekly episodes, revolves around the iconic building and includes stories from many of the people who use it on a daily basis. Here’s the synopsis:
“Best known as the headquarters of the 1916 Rising, the GPO has been at the heart of Irish life for 200 years. Inside the GPO goes behind the scenes at Ireland’s busiest post office; home to 950 staff, a microcosm of Irish society, and caretaker of letters, parcels, hopes and stories.”
Well… postcrossers do visit post offices rather often, so it’s only natural that a group of enthusiastic Irish postcrossers were picked to be featured on the documentary!
Sitting down in a café with their stamps and postcards, Nora (aka ned44440), John (aka jr11577), Claudia (aka chrissybaby) and Kodzos (aka kodzos) braved the cameras and did an excellent job representing the Irish Postcrossing community. Well done guys!

You can see the segment (until April 21st) at
http://www.rte.ie/player/is/show/inside-the-gpo-30003923/10549881. This is the second part of this series — the first one can be seen here.
If you like it so far, do follow RTÉ's website for the next episodes!
22 comments so far
It was such fun to be a part of this programme and an honour to promote Postcrossing.
I was extremely pleased with our performance and quite a lot of new people from Ireland have signed up to Postcrossing since the programme aired. The programme is showing the relevance of the GPO in modern day Ireland.
I really enjoyed watching the first two parts of the TV series about the GPO and the Irish postcrossers !!
Thank you so much for blogging about the GPO show. I was there a year ago, almost to the day. I loved Ireland and naturally loved the post office. :)
I laughed at the plight of the missing bore semen. too bad it wasn't found before a fresh batch was sent. The film was good! Great choir in the beginning of the film.
Happy to see Irish postcrossers :)
Thanks to share with us.
I loved to see you around that table writing postcards... lots of masking tape and smiles... and then bringing them to the post office. I have done the same thing twice here in Barcelona, and it's funny to see how we all do the same things even if there aren't written rules about it. That's the sort of joyful "laical mass" of postcrossers :-)
So nice to see you collegue-postcrossers in Ireland! Interesting documentary, great building as well!
What a surprise: the film is made with love and many details, nice stamps, interesting people, funny postcrossers and ideas (we also need in Germany: culture night with "Free"-postcards!)
As a postman who I am, I've excited. All my support to such initiatives
I like the films about the postoffice and all the people around it. Very well done they are with love and care. Best of all I like, of course, the part about our fellow postcrossers - hope to receive cards from all of them. Maybe with one of those "senses" stamps?
Nice surprise: I'll wish to go on a journey to Ireland or hope to get a postcard with the "senses" stamps from the kind Irish postcrossers. Well done!
I really enjoyed watching this programme especially the part with the Irish postcrossers. Im going to watch the other programmes in the series on RTEplayer.
Sadly my computer won't let me watch it, but I'd totally love to see it, I've been there so often. It is standard for me to go there 2 or 3 times every time I am in Dublin! <3
An impressive post office. I've been there twice, in 1980 and in 2004. And I'd love to see it again live.
Awwww how I do miss those PC meetings and the stamps shopping at the GPO :''''(
Its amazing to see the GPO care so much about selling stamps and the community, it would be great if other countries followed suit!
Post Crossings always amazes me. I am of Irish descent and knew about the 1916 Easter Rising, but it was through Post Crossings that I first learned about all of the commemorations of the 100th Anniversary in Dublin. Thank you Post Crossings.
It was from watching that documentary that I learned about postcrossing. I was googling straight away! I think it's an amazing idea. I used to collect postcards as a child - basically just buying ones I liked and keeping them in a folder. I still do buy them just because if I see ones I like so I'm thrilled to be part of something like this. I've just sent my first 5 postcards and the excitement is not funny. GPO is an amazing place, dead proud to be from Ireland, and especially to be a dub.
How much fun, not only to see the GPO, but also to "meet" some Irish Postcrossers...The "serious" Nora, John, Kodzo and Claudia were great representatives for our mutual hobby. I'd love to exchange with all of them. Now it seems we need a full-length Postcrossing movie or t.v. series...showing exchange adventures from each country or state. Good show!
Great documentary. As a stamp collector from the United States, I'm very interested in the five senses stamps, which I'm wondering if the USPS might ever release. As a postcrosser, I wish there were a similar group in Massachusetts with whom I could connect. Sounds like such fun! Guess I'll have to try to start one. I hope one day to receive a postcard from Ireland.
I was just watching on Netflix their dramatization of "The Uprising" and the GPO is a main character in a short series called Rebellion. Brilliant, and now it is nice to see it is fully functional today.
What a good idea! I wish Australia Post would do a tour of the Sydney G.P.O. I sometimes wonder what goes on in there! They have made an interesting film entitled "The Stamp of Australia", which tells the story of our Aussie postal service from the earliest colonial days, circa 1800, with all the philatelic issues covering historical events & people. Well worth a look! Cheerio! Bev Braam, Sydney.
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