Postcrossing Blog

Stories about the Postcrossing community and the postal world

Blog > Postcrossing Spotlight: maroussia from France, but in China!


Maroussia, a French Postcrosser who lives in China and is collecting postcards since she was 12 years old.

How did you come across Postcrossing? What got you hooked?

I have collected viewcards and had penfriends since age 12, the cards always made me day dream about places I might never see with my own eyes and a penfriend of mine from Sweden (but actually Finnish) thought I would be interested and introduced postcrossing to me. I loved the idea, the mystery of where the next card will come from, and the opportunity to make new friends, to “meet” interesting people. I must say I have NOT been disappointed and I love postcrossing! To my happy surprise, 99% of the cards I have so far received have been good and valuable for my collection, and many came with really great words written on the back!

Do you have any other interesting hobbies?

Yes, I am crazy about cooking and baking, and collecting cookbooks and cookery magazines, recipes. My favourite passtime is trying new recipes. My other “hobby” is history (which I teach along with geography), and reading history books and magazines, also archaeology, learning about people in other times and places, and postcards here come very handy and are a real help. Many cards I received are directly linked to historical events and it is very thrilling.

Show us your mailbox, your mailman/mailwoman, your postoffice or the place where you post or keep your postcards!

I live in a village 30 km from the city and mail deliveries are not reliable where I live, to say the least. So I receive my letters and cards in that 1–2–12 box in the photo which actually is my husband’s office mail box in the city, where mail is delivered safely.

maroussia mailbox

This is the one I mostly patronize when I have to send things a bit out of the ordinary like packages or registered letters. Otherwise I mostly drop my cards in that post-box in San Li Tun street, but occasionally in other ones. I know the location of about ten convenient mail boxes.

maroussia postoffice

maroussia postbox

Well they are quite messy, but at least organized by countries. In boxes for the countries from where I have really many like Germany, France, the Czech Republic, the USA, Austria and such. The others are in two chests of drawers, also classified by country. My big hope (when I am retired, maybe) is to put them all in albums, with explanations about the place shown on the card!

keeping postcards
Show and tell us about your favorite received postcard to date, and what makes it special.

Hard to tell! There are so many I particularly love either because the picture is really fantastic, or because I love the place or it makes me day dream…

16 comments so far

Blogger, United States of America

another great article!

You might want to check out the flickr group -
"This is how I store my postcards" it will give you a lot of great ideas!

honeybee, Austria

Dear Francoise, so nice to see you here! Thank you for the wonderful interview and thank you for the great swaps we did (do) :)and the beautiful cards.

SandyB, South Africa

Great to see another wonderful friend in the spotlight, and yes, please join our facebook group Francoise:-))

SandyB, South Africa

oops, sorry , I forgot about your restricted access to facebook, but hopefully, soon you will be online again.

redlynx, Russia

Why the russia tag is here? I believe it must be China tag :)

Meulikki, Sweden

Keep going! I knew you'd love it as much as I do!

carolinechia, Malaysia

dear Francoise, its great to see you here on SPOTLIGHT:) one of the best swapping friend ever, i've got so many beautiful China Postcards and great Stamps because of YOU,...many thanks! :) all the best to you always in postcrossing.

lili_6789, Iran

hi, maroussia,
how nice to meet you here in the spotlights!
happy postcrossing, lili

FemkeDorien, Netherlands

What a nice story.

ipuenktchen, Iran

salut, maroussia! what a surprise to see you here, and interesting to see a chinese postoffice and car and mailbox!! thank you for our permanent swapping!!

iwang, Australia

Really a lot, and I missed the green postbox. Enjoy your life in China.

edo, Spain

Hi!Thanks for share wirt all of us your postcrossing life!!Greetings from Spain!:)

Misslondon, France

Nice to see you again!
Thanks for wonderful cards you've sent to me!
Wishing you all the bests

uneline, Estonia

hehe, I got a postcard from Maroussia this week! :)

SilviaRegina, Brazil

Dear Françoise,
So nice to see you here... I agree with all other persons that wrote how great is exchanging postcards with you... A big kiss!

Marlenka, Poland

Wow.. So many postcards. Looks- stunning! :D
I collect postcards since I'm 12 as well, maybe later. I don't even remember.. I remember that since very long time I love postcards. I'm here, on postcrossig only 3 years. I collect them, organized them in countries. I'd love to have so many as she..
