Postcrossing Blog

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Blog > Postcrossing Spotlight: isagv from Germany


German Postcrosser, Isabelle, had a love for horses before joining and has seen her horse postcard collection grow through the kindness of other Postcrossing members. She quite enjoys attending Postcrossing meetings.

How did you come across Postcrossing? What got you hooked?

My pen pal (since ages) and Postcrossing member tinewoest, from Belgium, told me about Postcrossing in a letter and I immediately got infected! Thank you sooooo much Tine!!!! I got hooked from the kindness of the Postcrossers and found the forum pretty soon. After finding the forum I was a complete addict! I attended as many meetings as I could get to. For example, I joined meetings in Helsinki, Cologne, The Netherlands, and Belgium. I have learned so much about the world, the people, kindness and habits in the Postcrossing world. I became sick in the summer of 2009 and needed to slow down a bit but Postcrossing is still my BIGGEST hobby.

Do you have any other interesting hobbies?

Before Postcrossing, collecting horse postcards and writing letters were my biggest and only hobbies. I stopped horseback riding in 1998. Since I am now a Postcrossing addict my horse postcard collection has grown bigger and bigger (over 15,000 cards now) and I have no time to sort them properly because I spend all my free time on the Postcrossing site. I have about 22 shoe boxes full of postcards from the last 4 years. They are unsorted but most of them are in my head or in my computer lists. I also started scanning my postcards when I discovered Flickr through Postcrossing but it is impossible to scan my whole collection because most cards are in folders already. My pen pals now only get a letter once a year and many ask if I am still alive. Writing a postcard is so much faster than writing a letter. Sorry girls!

isagv collection isagv collection
Show us your mailbox, your mailman/mailwoman, your postoffice or the place where you post or keep your postcards!

I don’t like the girls working at the post office and mostly order my stamps online so no pics of the office but the following pics show me at the mailbox I usually use. I mail the mail before i go to work there and this mailbox also get lifted on Saturday and Sundays. :D

isagv posting postcards

My home mailbox

isagv mailbox isagv mailbox
Show and tell us about your favorite received postcard to date, and what makes it special.

My absolute favorite:

Second favorite:

Third favourite:

But I also love all the non-horse postcards. There are so many that are so beautiful.

24 comments so far

meghanG, South Africa

Hi Isabelle, thanks for the nice article. My daughter, Meghan (user poppedoppet), also LOVES horses & many Postcrossers have gone to a lot of trouble to send her nice horse postcards. Your favourites are very beautiful - I will be sure to show them to Meghan. Have a great day, Liesel (user lieselgrobler) from South Africa

Weltenbummler, Germany

Hey Isa, great to see you in the spotlight! When I discovered this interview it made me smile as we just talked about the spotlights on Saturday. :) I'm looking forward to many more Cologne meetings with you!!

dollart, Finland

great to see Isa here. I so know how it feels to have tons of cards in showboxes. When i was younger and collected horsecards i sort them in albums. Now they are in boxes and i sould start scanning them but it will be huge project. It was nice to get to know you more. I also use to write lots of letters and as Isa i only have time for one letter or two letters year for my penpals. I love them all dearly but postcrossing has taken best of me :)

pinattina, Türkiye

Great to see you here Isa. I didn't know you liked horse cards this much. I'll keep that in mind during my travels and I have to say you are really lucky to make it to all those international meetings. How great :)

Blogger, United States of America

ISA!!! It is soooo wonderful to see you here! I've been wanting to see your collection. I still can't imagine 15,000 horse postcards. You will need to open a museum soon! :) I love the cards you picked. Beautiful. One of these days we will meet, I'll get over there for a meet-up, I've already started talking to my hubby :) Great article my friend.

carolinechia, Malaysia

wow.. its very nice to see you here, Isa:) all the best always in collecting postcards!

Stephany, Netherlands

Hi Isabella,
Great article about you, postcrossing and other intressest.

isagv, Germany

Ohhhh, I'm in the spotlight! Cool!
It was so hard to keep silence over this. ;)
Now I can answer your questions Weltenbummler. ;)
My next Postcrossing trip will be to Iran in October. I will visit Ipuenktchen. :)
I am not rich guys, just saving ALL my money for my hobby. ;)

honeybee, Austria

Hi Isa, wie super, Dich hier zu sehen. Danke, dass wir das tolle Interview sehen dürfen. Ich wünsche Dir noch viele, viele schöne Karten

xtlera, Germany

Hallo Isa, schön dich hier zu lesen und ich wünsche dir weiterhin viele neue Pferde Postkarten, aber das wird ja immer schwieriger :)

Misslondon, France

Hi Isa!
Wishing you all the bests and waiting you in Iran!

veer, Belgium

Hi Isa,

NIce to see you here! But I still prefer seeing you 'in real life'.



Felice1959, United States of America

Isa!!! I'm so happy to see you interviewed as you were the one to shine the spotlight on me last year! I can't believe it's almost time for you to go to Iran and I can't wait to hear the stories :)))


ipuenktchen, Iran

hiiiiiiii, Isaaaaaaaaaaaaaa - yeaaaah, I'm waiting for YOUUUU asap!!!! less than 3 weeks only missing.... we are thrilled to welcome you here!!! and will we have *stories*???? LOOOOOOOOOOL - let's see.. *smile* in fact, I was surprised and happy to read you here in the spotlight!! SEE YOU SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Luxi, Luxembourg

So great to see you here Isa ;-) Have a wonderful trip to Iran!!!!
Lot's of greetings from lil Luxemburg

madmama, France

Hello Isabelle and all you other horse fans!
I just wanted to let you know, that if you don't collect stamps and would like to help a home of rest for mistreated horses in the UK, you can do so, by sending your used stamps to their address featured on their site:
I have been helping them for years.
Photos and stories about the home and the horses are also featured on their site.
Happy postcrossing!
Best greetings
Jodie (in France)

lili_6789, Iran

dear Isa, we are excitedly waiting for our meetup in tabriz!! love, lili

Fazmerir, Portugal

Some nice "horse" postcards, indeed. How many do you own?
Happy Postcrossing, all! :)

isagv, Germany

@madmama: I have cards from this organisation. :) Will have a look soon. Good idea. :)

@wOwtaku: Most of my over 15000 horse postcards are photographs but in a way, these art cards are my favs from postcrossing. My favorite breed is the Arabian horse.

Thanks all for the nice comments. :)

moonlessnite, Canada

Very intersting interview...wishing you 15,000 more horse cards, and a safe journey.

adriennegarry, New Zealand

Great to see you here Isa - I always enjoy our exchanges :-)

Rohtola, Finland

Nice to see you here, Isa and read more about you! Sometimes when I have time, I go and look your horse postcards in Flickr, in all over 15,000, wow!

kazinhabueno, Brazil

It's nice see Isa here, she's so sweet! She gave me many tips to my Europe trip :) Thanks, dear! And congrats for this good interview ;)

Anamaria8, United Kingdom

Congrats :D I am so happy to see here someone I know, personally! X


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