Since picture postcards were first created, they have been instrumental in documenting a locality’s history. Dating from 1905–1950, exaggerated and tall-tale postcards originated from the pioneer bravado of the western expansion and were extremely popular in the Great Plains and rural communities hoping to form an identity for themselves as a place of agricultural wealth.

These postcards promoted agrarian and wildlife benefits to a public that was aware of the exaggerations, and were used to facetiously advertise the products and unique aspects of a region. The common theme among the postcards was immensity; fishing, hunting and riding oversized animals, harvesting gigantic fruits and vegetables, or wheeling in massive sheaves.
While exaggeration postcards illustrated an object of disproportionate size, the tall-tale postcard added a caption, bringing the whole scene to life with anecdotal referential humor. The most well-know creators of these cards were Alfred Stanley Johnson, Jr., and William H. Martin. They created their masterpieces using trick photography, usually taking two black and white pictures, one a wide shot and the other a close-up. The enlarged close-up image was then cut and glued over the wide shot to create the embellished result.
Titles such as “Great Sport Fishing Here” and “Harvesting a profitable crop of onions in Kansas” helped further the intent of the image. Other designers painted their unlikely scenes or used a combination of photography and painting (an early day exercise in Photoshopping!).
Larger than Life: The American Tall Tale Postcard, 1905–1915 by Morgan Williams is a great volume on the exaggeration postcard, capturing “many facets of life in turn-of-the-century, small-town America and vividly bears witness to a unique form of creativity.” To check out more of legend William H. Martin’s work, visit
By the way, all the images illustrating this blog post come from Brenda’s wonderful collection – check out her website for many more!
22 comments so far
Hahaha! And we were always told pcitures dont lie!
Great blog post! :D
Love these larger than life tales
I like the mailart look of those kinds of cards! A friend of mine does a mailart sort of exaggeration postcard she calls Tiny Town. There are a number of them on her blog,
Nice post, I would love to have one of those.
Ooh, I love these! We still see a lot of these for sale in shops in Texas. Here's one I sent of Hope, Arkansas and its large melons:
Haha, these are very amusing! :D
Wow what great cards. I would love one .
Funny postcards. I like them....
cute cards! :D
Love the fishy one
Exaggeration ??? How pointedly ironic in view of Postcrossing's official list of actively participating countries and list of users for each nation. Both of these lists are archaically outdated and inaccurate. Your statistics require updating/culling to reflect true numbers. What do you gain by citing incorrect
overblown information?
I have a few cards like those, but from the east coast of the USA. One has a huge potato on a flatcar in Maine. That top card uses model railroad cars and real corn!
I love these cards. I have seen some like these offered on eBay...
These are hilarious! I love them. I wonder about the contest cited in Brenda's blog, though; is the date meant to be facetious? There is no November 31!!
my bad, I have this months winner, and now it is Decembers turn :D
This is a fantastic one!
Fun article! Made me think of the Jackalope cards found in my area.
It reminds me of China's Great leap movement's poster,such as this one
I like those cards!
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