Postcrossing Blog

Stories about the Postcrossing community and the postal world

Blog > Field trip to MOO!


As many of you know, MOO makes pretty printed things… like cute business cards, stickers and our favourite, postcards! They’re great, and have often partnered with Postcrossing in the past, giving away lots of lovely presents on our giveaways.

So, the minute we knew we were going to the UK earlier this year, an idea sprung to mind… weren’t MOO headquarters located in London? We’re always curious of knowing how things work behind the scenes – could they perhaps show us around and introduce us to Little and Big MOO?

Turns out, yes they could! :D Giddy with excitement and barely containing our smiles, we were shown around MOO headquarters by Simon Goble, MOO’s Head of Brand Communications, who took the time to explain how everything works and patiently answer our many questions. And of course, we brought the Little Mail Carriers’ cousin around for the tour… below is his report of the day!

Hello from MOO's frontdesk! It's made of cardboard!

Hello from MOO’s lovely reception area in Shoreditch, London! Can you spot me up there? :)
Boy, were we excited to be there… I couldn’t wait to meet Big MOO and see some postcards being made!

We're going to meet Big MOO!! So exciting!

And what do you know, there are actually not one but two Big MOOs (aka, their printing machines), to cope with all the demand for postcards and business cards! The two digital offset HP Indigo presses are lightning fast and can print up to 68 four-colour A4 pages per minute!

The HP Indigo Press is quite fast!

They even let me take a peek inside… wow! So this is where the action happens…

Wow! What does that lever do? And what is that button for?

All around MOO’s sunny warehouse, which takes their complete ground floor, people were focused on cutting, wrapping and packing orders for shipping. Huge mail bags lined a wall, ready to be picked up by their mailman.

Watch out your hands! That blade looks mighty sharp!This is a very intriguing machine!All sorted out and ready to picked up!I wonder who ordered so many business cards... they must be very busy and important!

Everything is done with productivity and waste reduction in mind. For instance, if an order consists of different products which aren’t all simultaneously ready, the ones that are finished earlier are put in color-coded bins while they wait for the other parts to be finished – this way they can be shipped together, saving on shipping costs! Smart, right?

Waiting bins are a brilliant idea!

Meanwhile on the upper floors, everyone was hard at work making sure everything is running smoothly and every single customer is happy. MOO was founded in 2004 and has since grown to be an award-winning company which employs 90 people in London, and in the US.

There's a screen on the wall showing orders being made in real time - how cool is that?!

What makes people want to work at MOO? The perks include a birthday cake on your birthday, joint lunches on Fridays, fussball tables…

Come on guys, pass the ball! I'm great at this game! :D

… and a fully stocked breakfast pantry! :D

Oh, man! I can see some Nutella in there! Is it breakfast time yet? :D

In the end of the tour, there was still enough time to pop around the corner to MOO’s new shop on Boxpark. Here, MOO products are shown in clever displays so that clients can have a close look at them before ordering online. The shop is exquisitely done, and feels like stepping inside a real website, complete with sliders and menus! Here’s Simon pulling a menu to show us how it works:

That looks easy...

I tried it myself, but I’m afraid I was a bit too light for the job…

Oh, come on!

And of course, this being just like a website, there’s a cookie policy as well (conveniently spelled out on a cookie jar)!

It says: A cookie is a type of biscuit and is for eating! :D

Thank you Simon for showing us around! I can’t wait to go back someday – and show it to other postcrossers! :)


YAY for MOO!

26 comments so far

purpleferret, Canada

I am so envious! Love Moo products; want mooooore! Thanks for sharing.

Jesterday, Netherlands

Very nice :)

topcloud, Kenya

I wish I could buy these beautiful products in Nairobi, Kenya!! Thanks for sharing!

Wieisty, Netherlands

wat een techniek voor alleen al 9 by 15

MomOnTheGo, United States of America

Fun tour, thanks!

Jaywalk, India

Super. I love Moo. And coming from India, I so wish the shipping costs didn't stop me from ordering more from them.

Tetsuko, Germany

Thank you for sharing :)

Nells250, United States of America

I ordered a set of cards through MOO after reading about them here a while back, and was very happy with the product. Now it is fun to get a "tour" of the headquarters! The tour guide is also very cute, though very "plastic" looking... :-)

ned44440, Ireland

What fun! A great tour and a great read. I am envious!!!

Sprinkledonut, Canada

My best friend surprised me with a box of Moo business cards last card. It was the best gift EVER!!! They are so fun and people love them.

MissMaple, Netherlands

Great story! I love Moo-products.. even the boxes they come in are always very friendly... they just make me smile :-D Keep going, Moo ;-)
Btw, if anyone is interested in giving it a try, I still have a few discount coupons for first-time users. Just sent me an email through my profile. First come, first serve ;-)

juliaclaire, United States of America

The Moo shop looks so cool! If I ever visit England (which I hope I will) I'm definitely making a stop at the Moo shop! (^o^)

avanesdonk, Netherlands

O so nice!

chrissybaby, Ireland

Nice & interesting tour! I will definitely order there now!

vonxblood, United States of America

This is rad! I wish I could visit there in person too.

Geminiscp, Portugal

Lucky travellers! :D

purplekiwi, United States of America

Pity it's in London. ;)

zeroday, United States of America


rosenbusch, Germany

an interesting tour....

beadedskyz, United States of America

After seeing MOO's homebase, you have inspired me!

Janestar, United States of America

Very interesting tour! Loved it....thanks!

alexisl, Canada

This is a cool tour. I remember way back when MOO first started, they partnered with flickr and you could get free products printed from your flickr photos. It was great.

philacoin, India


hatoho, Germany

Hi, very impressive!
August 2th 2013

nugget, United States of America

Thanks for sharing! Looks like a fun place.

isagv, Germany

I also like MOO cards a lot.


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