Postcrossing Blog

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Blog > Postcrossing Spotlight: BlackDrago from Ukraine!

BlackDrago (aka Natalie) hails from Sevastopol, in Ukraine. Besides being an avid postcrosser she’s also a devoted photographer and a Star Wars fan! :)
How did you come across Postcrossing? What got you hooked?

It was a post in my friend’s diary on I have always been attracted to something unusual… and what can be more extraordinary than paper postcards in the age of electronic correspondence? And then it turned out that this is a very interesting process, you can see a lot of interesting postcards, stamps, read the people who live on the other side of the planet Earth.

Do you have any other interesting hobbies?

I’m interested in the Star Wars universe – I am the administrator on a site and forum dedicated to this world. I translate short texts and beta-read works of other authors. I like to assemble plastic models of the real and the fantastic vehicles. Photography. Cross-stitching. Sometimes I even manage to find some time for all these things… sadly there are only 24 hours in a day!

Show us your mailbox, your mailman/mailwoman, your postoffice or the place where you post or keep your postcards!

This is Post Office from which my postcards often hit the road:

Blackdrago's post office
Show and tell us about your favorite received postcard to date, and what makes it special.

I think that almost all of my cards are favourites!

What makes them special? It’s the fact that someone took the time to read my profile and tried to pick up the card in accordance with the wishes, and wrote something just for me.

I have favorite authors as well, for example, French artist Severine Pineaux. She has a very beautiful dragons and cats.

Blackdrago's postcards

And if we talk about the subject of cards, there is a series of “Darth Vader and Son” that I really like:

Darth Vader and Son
Have you met any other members in real life?

Yep. I participated in postcrossers meetings in Sevastopol and in Yekaterinburg (Russia, Ural), when I was there on business. This is in Sevastopol:

Meetup in Sevastopol

And here we are in Yekaterinburg:

Meetup in Yekaterinburg
Is there anything that you are passionate about?

Sevastopol.. I really love my city and his great history. It is really my passion and obsession. Sevastopol has always been a military city, the base of the Black Sea Fleet of Russia. I hope that he will once again be such, and not turn into just a resort.

Warships standing in bays and covered with morning fog is one of the most beautiful sights I can imagine.


21 comments so far

edo, Spain

Hi! Many thanks for to share with us your history,and experiences in the meetings!Great!!

Blogger, United States of America


I love the Darth Vader and Son - I bought the set for my collection too. I still haven't bought Vader's Little Princess postcards.

Zizi79, Russia

Натали, спасибо за твою историю! В Севастополь я просто влюблена, дважды бывала в нём (навещала друзей) - красивейший сильный духом город! Всего доброго и удачи во всех делах!

rosenbusch, Germany

Thank you for sharing the informations...

mikeyz1, United States of America

A great profile :)

Luziaceleste, Brazil

Love to see the real life behind postcards!

DorotheeB, Germany

Thank you so much for introducing BlackDrago, it's always great to learn more about other Postcrossers. But there is one thing I don't agree with, for me there is no beauty in warships, I would love to live in a world where we don't need them anymore - I know, it's a dream. Now I am looking forward to many more wonderful postcards from Ukraine! Greetings to BlackDrago from Germany!

Elisabeth_, Austria

I fully agree to DorotheeB - for me there isn't any beauty in warships either! Anyway, thank you for the interesting spotlight, Natalie.

BlackDrago, Ukraine

Thanks to All for your interest!

HaruTarra, Ukraine

Nice to meet a story about you here!

YiliLoh, Malaysia

Hello! Thanx for sharing. HappyValentine'sDay!!! :)

nevasara, Lithuania

Nice to meet you :)

ser0708, Ukraine

Как приятно читать о земляках на этом сайте!
Обожаю Севастополь! Один из моих любимых городов Украины! :)

purplekiwi, United States of America

How do you get chosen to have a profile?

nugget, United States of America

Thanks for sharing your story!

ipuenktchen, Iran

great to see this spotlight!! and for me your favorite cards are new and interesting, what a taste.. hehe... great also to add meeting pics to your spotlight!! and last but not least the great photo from sevastopol harbour!!!
happy postcrossing!!!!

ipuenktchen, Iran

without reading the other postings before - IT IS A GREAT PHOTO!! the quality of the photo - here is not the place to speak about *war*, this wasn't the purpose to show this photo, but a sample of a photographer!!!!
und typisch, dass das wieder von deutschen kommt!! sorry!!

honeybee, Austria

Nice interview and beautiful pics. Thank you,Natalie. And to the other postcrossers: I am sure, she did not mean that Sewastopol should be a military-harbour again, she just wants to have some more ship traffic there again, so that Sevastopol would be a more important harbour again.

Mauersegler, Germany

I feel the same as Vasida wrote!

lyuba_pitnaya, Azerbaijan

Отличное интервью!
Вот бы и мне повезло попасть на вашу встречу посткроссеров в Севастополе!
Правда, я из Евпатории сама)

alison41, South Africa

So interesting to hear about another Postcrosser.


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