Postcrossing Blog

Stories about the Postcrossing community and the postal world

Blog > The traveling mail carriers in Cape Coral, Florida


Good news, everyone! We have received another exciting page from the travel diary of our little mail carriers, postman Paulo and postwoman Ana! They were just in Cape Coral, hosted by yvi-1, and loved every minute of it! Here’s a report of their days in sunny Florida.

We arrived in Cape Coral, Florida, USA on a mild March day and quickly understood what the attitude in paradise was all about. We headed directly for the pool but had to survive all sorts of terrifying wildlife before being able to relax. We grabbed a float and spent the afternoon enjoying the warm sun while gently bobbing in the cool pool water.

relaxing by the pool

Then it was time for the Florida meetup held in Downtown Disney (Orlando) at Bongo’s Cuban Cafe. We were very excited to meet Orphan1965, chimoy, MarthicaAna, and 9teen87. Everyone enjoyed some traditional Cuban fare like mariquitas (fried plantains) and Ironbeer soft drink. We then went on a tour of Downtown Disney where we not only found great postcards in stores but were also able to take a picture with a Disney Princess and a dragon made out of Legos! We stopped by a Lego Paris wedding (was this some sort of foretelling?) and were eager to go on the balloon ride but it was closed.

disneyland meetup

At the end of the day, we stopped at the USPS mailbox located in Downtown Disney. We helped send the postcards signed at the meetup along their way. While getting ready to leave the Orlando area, we learned that had hit the 4 million postcard sent mark! It was very exciting. Unfortunately, yvi-1's local post office did not give her clearance to take pictures inside but we hope to have better luck at our next destination!

usps mailbox and postoffice

17 comments so far

Jetske, Netherlands

Hello again little mail carriers! Looks like another great adventure!
I love the photos and the story. Thanks yvi! :)

Goyesca, Germany

Oh hi again little mail carriers, and hi to our friends from Florida! Looks like a lovely place ... but oooh the terrifying Florida wildlife :D. Thanks for the nice story and beautiful photos!

Blogger, United States of America

Yea!!! We had such a great time at the meet-up! Twards the end I thought it was around 4:00 and it was 5:00!! you know you're having fun when time flies :D

Great Article yvi-1! Hope to see you again soon

Lori45P, Canada

Our little mail carriers sure seem to be having a great time in all their travels. I'm looking forrward to seeing where they go and who they meet next !!!

Mundoo, Australia

You guys lead a very exciting life. Thank you for your continuing travels. You look like you had a great time.

dollart, Finland

Cool story mail carriers. yvi-1 great hosting!

ipuenktchen, Iran

wow, great story... florida, disneyland and a meetup!! lucky you!!!
pls have a look at POSSY % CROSSY and come to visit my playmo-blog, too:

Jodie05, Australia

Wow, cool story! Can't wait for the next installment!

zizou, Netherlands

wow i like the stories of Ana and Paulo! And youve got such lovely cards over there! Hope to hear soon from them!

edo, Spain

Amazing to see this nice little person in a very nice country!!;)

highwaycatcher, United States of America

I live in Cape Coral! Why didn't you come visit me?

Synnin, Russia

Wow wow amazing trip!! :D And nice to see you ladies, the ones i know, great time! Wish i could be there with you in the cuban cafe ;)

fitziane, United States of America

Great pictures and wonderful adventures. This project is becoming so much fun to follow thanks to all the spirit invested in it by the hosting postcrossers. Would really love to host little Ana and Paulo here in Tianjin, China. Our second graders would be thrilled to have them and maybe they´d get caught in the postcrossing buzz too! (They have an unit on communication in their social studies curriculum.)

rotor, Canada

Now there is no way you could leave North America and not visit Montreal!!! Free food, lodging and booze :)

goldenefliege, Germany

Greetings from Germany. I think, you had much fun! I am very motivated to do a meet-up like that!

LittleCableCars, United States of America

So much fun, I loved the part about getting by terrifying wildlife on the way to the pool. I've always wondered what a red tabby looks like to a small creature.

Dutch, Netherlands

Very nice!
