Postcrossing Blog

Stories about the Postcrossing community and the postal world

Blog > Postcrossing Spotlight: Mickaela from the United Kingdom


Kayla (or Mickaela) lives in London and she studies politics. She likes to learn foreign languages and is now trying to learn her a 4th one! Here’s what she has to share with us.

How did you come across Postcrossing? What got you hooked?

I first heard about Postcrossing from a friend and because I always liked receiving mail, I decided to try it myself. At first I thought I’d just send a postcard every now and then, but before I knew it, I became an addict! What really got me hooked was the random aspect of Postcrossing and how every card we receive and send is a new little surprise and completely unique :).

Do you have any other interesting hobbies?

At the moment, I am quite busy with my studies, but I’m still dreaming to become a writer one day… I’ve been trying to write a book for a while now!

Show us your mailbox, your mailman/mailwoman, your postoffice or the place where you post or keep your postcards!

My mailbox.

mickaela mailbox

My postoffice.

mickaela postoffice
Show and tell us about your favorite received postcard to date, and what makes it special.

This is a card I received from Sarah in the US and it’s a picture of people dancing at the Brighton Beach in New York. I love it because everyone in the photo looks so happy – it makes me smile every time I see it! And I also love old things and this postcard fits into this just about perfectly!

What is it your favorite part of the Postcrossing process?

I like drawing a new address and the anticipation of it – what country is it going to be? What kind of person? Can I send them something special? Do they speak another language I could write to them in? I really enjoy getting the cards ready for the mailbox and writing as much as I can on them.

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8 comments so far

Jodie05, Australia

Hi Kayla! Greet to meet you! I agree with you - I enjoy selecting special postcards and stamps and writing messages to other postcrossers almost as much as receiving postcards!

wildernesscat, Israel

Kayla hasn't logged in for 3 months. How come?

Vagabond_Trader, United States of America

I used to have that card! then I sent it to someone, it came from a book of postcards called America Dances, prints from the Library of Congress.

lucymonty, United Kingdom

Nice to 'meet' you Kayla! That Post Office looks very similar to mine ;-)

unicorn11, Canada

Hey Kayla - you put it just right - it's the anticipation of that new address - the randomness of it all - and also the anticipation of what will be in the mailbox each day!!! Thanks for your post! Happy PC! :)

FloridaGirl, United States of America

Hello Kayla, how nice to read about you. I wish you many more postcards that bring a smile to your face.

scrutiny, Hong Kong

Kayla! Yay, they interviewed you!! I'm so glad to read your little spotlight. Hope everything's great! Big hugs xx

MrsTaavi, Germany

hm, .... how come taht she's in the spotlight and didn't log ain for the last three months..... a bit strange...
