Postcrossing Blog

Stories about the Postcrossing community and the postal world

Blog > Re-post: Planning your holidays?

Bon Voyage!

We know many Postcrossers take their yearly break in the upcoming weeks to relax and visit new places.

So here’s your yearly reminder: if you know you’ll be away from your home or school address for a while, we recommend that you switch your account to the inactive status – you can do that easily just by editing your Postcrossing account. This will tell Postcrossing not to give your address to any other members while you are away. You can still send some postcards if you’d like, but you won’t be sent any until you’re ready to receive them.

When you’re back, all you need to do is to switch your account back to active and you’ll be in business again! Rest assured, all your due postcards will then be sent your way.

Oh, and don’t forget to re-stock with postcards from the places where you’ll be spending your days away!

Bon voyage! :)

5 comments so far

Robin67, Austria

Ideally one should switch the account to inactive at least a week before leaving, otherwise travelling cards will still arrive while one is away.

Vlbibb0596, United States of America

I will remember this when I am away for a few days in November!

iphoto, Australia

I'm grateful that this issue is being highlighted to all Postcrossing users ... I'm so excited when I select "send a postcard" can't wait to veiw my next receivers profile! :D So I think everyone would understand the frustration I feel when I see their profile is indicating last seen 1 MONTH AGO!!!

If only there could be an algorithm created and applied that switches our account to inactive status automatically when we haven't visited our account in 30 days ... just saying :D

Pajamela, Poland

It would be nice to see people actually doing it. In the fifteen months that I'm on postcrossing, quite a few of my cards were registered after I wrote to the receiver when the card expired, only to be informed that they will register all the cards they got when they get back home because they are away on holidays or for some other reason, and the cards are waiting for them at home.

It would be even nicer if people, who decide to take a longer break from postcrossing or not participate anymore, would also do that. It's so frustrating when you are excited requesting a new address only to have this excitement vanish completely when you see that the person you drew didn't log into their account for 3+ months and their address was high on the list because a card they sent several months earlier was registered by someone. I drew at least 3 people like this and not surprisingly, the cards are long expired and I didn't get any sort of reply when I wrote to them to check if the card arrived or got lost in mail. I don't even keep hope that they will be ever registered.

I guess it would be too perfect to see it happening, though.

meiadeleite, Portugal

@iphoto Postcrossing does automatically switch accounts to inactive if members don't log in for a while.

@quirkylady79 Yup — your address is given out as many times as it takes for you to receive your due cards back.

@Pajamela Postcrossing does not give out addresses of members who have not logged in for a long time. If you got an address of someone whose last log in was 3+ months ago, that is definitely a bug — please do report it.
