Postcrossing Blog

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Blog > Small changes


During this week we’ve made a couple of changes that you might have noticed already. If not, here’s a quick summary:

Upload sent postcards

Many users are very proud of their postcards walls. They upload every postcard they received, but till recently, they could do very little about the postcards they send: if the user to whom they sent a postcard didn’t have the chance to upload it, then there would be some gaps on the wall.

Now, that’s easy to prevent: the sender is also able to upload the postcard image. This will help keep the walls complete. By the way, if the postcard is still traveling, then the image will be visible only when the postcard gets registered.

Direct swaps
We have revamped the edit profile section which was getting very long and a bit confusing. Now, there’s a separate edit account section where you can manage your Postcrossing account details and another one just for the profile bits. And together with it, we introduced a new profile option: interest in direct swaps. What is it? Simple: if you are interested in doing direct swaps with other users, you can check this box. This way your profile will indicate that you are interested in doing direct swaps. Conversely, users who are not interested will note so on their profile so that they don’t receive enquiry messages. Please mind that direct swaps are not tracked by the Postcrossing website and it is totally up to the users to coordinate those swaps. By the way, the default value is “not interested” so be sure change this if you are interested.

As usual, let us know what you think of the changes and keep submitting your thoughts and ideas on how to improve the project.

39 comments so far

lynn_nord, United States of America

Thanks for all your attention to details like this. Your hard work is appreciated!

willemijn, Netherlands

Your inexhaustible, I very much like your efforts!

Morgaine, Germany

I really love the possibility to complete also my sent cards on my postcard wall!
It looks more interesting for me to see older cards too!

Huge thanks to all who were involved! Well done. :D

BW: I think there is a problem with the uploaded sent cards in travel status.
When I get my card registered it didn't show the image of the uploaded card.
I'll watch this at my next cards.

paulo, Portugal

@Morgaine: I corrected that bug yesterday and it should be good now.

Mind that you'll have to "delete" those postcards images (the ones with that problem) and upload them again. Should be good from now on. :)

sonataca, United States of America

Thank you very much Paulo. You are a fantastic person.

Morgaine, Germany


that sounds great!

Since yesterday I didn't get further registrations! ;o)

I will delete & upload my cards again.
Thanks for your fast response.

InP, Finland

Nice developments! But what if both the sender and the receiver want to upload the same card? Which picture shows in their walls? If only the one you upload yourself, does that mean the picture uploaded by receiver no longer appears in the senders wall even if the sender does not upload the card him/herself?

AllSerene, United Kingdom

It's great that senders can now add pictures on the wall. The one drawback is that it's only the recipient who can add a description of the card (other than by adding a comment). I do like to add a description for my cards, saying what it's a picture of.

phuleshouse, Canada

I saw the direct swap and I have received a reponse already ...but what a great idea! to upload the cards that you send. Keep the ideas rolling.

mikebond, Italy

Well done! I enjoy both improvements. Pity that I didn't scan my sent postcards in the past... I will do that from now on!

ichabodhides, United Kingdom

Great ideas! I have one question, though: if someone has already uploaded the card they sent to me but it's not very good quality, is it possible to delete it and replace with a better-quality picture?

Geminiscp, Portugal

Still surprising... thank you! :D

zitatseng, Taiwan

I love these new functions, discovers newly continually pleasantly surprised. Thank you very much.:D

Tjitske, Netherlands

Thanks again for these lovely changes Paulo and keep up the good work! I hope oneday you can make a section to upload received cards from the tags and round robins on the forum. I have such beautiful postcards but don't want to open a seperate page on flicker or picasa because they're a big part of postcrossing!
Best wishes from Holland!

janet000, Taiwan

Thanks for the improvements. I do want to upload my sending postcards to complete my postcard walls.

paulo, Portugal

@ichabodhides: Yes, both sender and receiver and delete/upload postcards now.

isagv, Germany

Great work. :) Thanks!

isagvproject, Germany

I thought about this a bit longer and what is when people start to manipulate the wall from others? For example they can delete “ugly” cards they’ve sent from MY wall. (For example). I think you should add a permission button or something like this, so you can only have access if the „owner“of the wall allows. I think people who have no scanner would not mind when you upload sent cards on their wall

JEM, United States of America

I do not like the idea of someone changing my wall for the cards I have uploaded. What happens with the 'sent' cards if I upload they show on the other 'receivers' wall??? In any case, it takes a lot of time for me to upload my received cards, already, I don't know if I care to take on the task of the send cards myself...if people want to upload them, fine, otherwise...I mail cards when I am away from home and scanning them at home would slow things up considerably. But..whatever people like I guess. I'm just not sure about the manipulation of the cards on my wall by others. I wondered the other day about a card that had apparently disappeared from my wall, which I had scanned and taken the trouble to upload. Now I wonder if someone else removed it . I don't have time to get scanning and reuploading cards that I've already done once.

sunny76, Germany

I agree... I don't like the manipulations. :(
At least I should get a notification when someone delete/add/change a picture of MY wall.

Wyando, Germany

First: Great update on the profile stuff, and I love that option to tell to be or not to be interested in private swaps (this will eliminate a bunch of mails I receive).

Nevertheless, I think that uploading cards should only be possible for the cards someone receives. Of course, not everyone has the opportunity to scan/photograph the cards he/she gets, but that's part of the game. Maybe that could be another option in the profile (like the private swaps) telling:

- Allow the sender to upload the card he/she sends to you: yes/no

If set to yes, a message could be provided when getting an address, that the receiver has no possibility to upload the card you'll sent and if you want to have that card on his postcardwall, you can upload the card.
If set to no, well, it's up to the receiver of the card to upload.

Just my thought on this topic.

huavlad, Portugal

Dear friends

I think postcrossing is one of the best things I know on the web. And being portuguese I'm so proud it came from the mind of some countryfellows. Not that I'm nationalist, not at all. I had the chance to visit almost 30 different countries, on work or leisure, and I aprreciate very much other people, other cultures, other ways to see the world. But, anyway, I'm proud of being portuguese.
Given this, I don't have to agree with everything in postcrossing. And I want to express this: I do not agree that, by default, it's put on everyone's profile that he or she do not want direct swaps. This, because postcrossing mentality is really to swap! Now, because not every one has tme to go and change profile (I speak for myself, I did not that, yet), I suppose 99% of our members have the "no swap" tag on it. But for my experience, before, 99% of members I contacted did wanted to swap.
Direct contact, in paralel with normal postcrossing, allows us to enrich our collection, with countries and territories that the random method did not gave us the chance to contact. And that's good.

So, I suggest that you changed the procedure, putting the "yes" instead of "no" as default, and giving each one of us the liberty to put a "no" only if we do not have time or interest in direct swaps.

I hope you understand my opinion.

long live postcrossing


Ninocas, Portugal

Hello! Congratulations for all the new features.

My only concern is the same already mentioned, may someone now delete my recieved cards from my wall? Maybe we could upload our sent cards but only the receiver has the power to remove it from his wall?


jhbr, Norway

it's the same for me:
i want to be asked before somene deletes cards from my wall!!

Norway_girl, Norway

Well, I think it's great that the sender can delete and upload postcards. I sent a postcard to Portugal, but when the postcard was uploaded to the wall, it was mixed up with a postcard from Finland. I tried to U2U the user, but I didn't get any answer and it wasn't changed. With the new feature, both postcards has been uploaded with the correct ID!

JEM, United States of America

How can a postcard be mixed up with another postcard? You mean in the upload process or did they scan two together? If it was in the upload process, that's a glitch that postcrossing could /should address. An email to them would be a better alternative (in my mind of course) than allowing someone else to change my postcard wall which I have taken the trouble to scan cards for and upload.

delenn_mir, Poland

Well, I don't like the idea of the sender being able to upload/delete their sent cards - because it means interfering with someone elses's received cards and that's just not cool.

I have just experienced this for the first time - someone deleted a card I had uploaded to my postcard wall and I really didn't enjoy it. I haven't spent days scanning the cards, cropping the images etc. and then uploading them for someone to just go and delete them. I checked - there was no mixup, I had the correct card uploaded - it was just a normal viewcard, I have no idea why the sender felt the need to delete it.

My scans are of good quality, I think, and I enjoyed the experience of showing my received cards to others. Now I don't think it will be so pleasant anymore. And as mentioned above by others, the potential for manipulation is really great here...

gemmatic, Netherlands

I don't like it that people can upload their sent postcards straight to my postcard wall. I prefer to do it myself, because I like to add the stamps to the same scan, too :(.
I also don't think it is so important to have all the card galleries complete. If someone uploads the card you sent, nice. If not, it is their choice and it should be respected. Just my two cents.

Otherwise, nice updates! The stats are especially interesting :).

InP, Finland

In addition to my previous comment, this talk about manipulation sounds very alarming. It surely is not nice that other people can delete pictures someone else has uploaded.

How about this solution: a) if you upload a received card, it shows in both sender's and receiver's wall, but only the receiver can delete it, and b) if you upload a sent card, it only shows in your own wall (so the sender doesn't interfere with the receivers wall and the receiver can not delete it).

One step further would be that also received cards show only in the receiver's wall, and not in sender's any more. This way everyone would have on their wall only those cards they upload themselves. (This relates to my question about double uploading, which still waits for an answer.)

Personally, I would be happy even without the option of uploading sent cards. Postcrossing has so many other great features! :)

JEM, United States of America

I am getting tired of scanning and now I have to wonder if someone is going to delete what I scanned. It is not worth it.

Ikun, Spain

I will not use the "scan the postcards you are sending" option. I find it completely pointless and even again the spirit of Postcrossing. The postcard wall is not a sticker album you have to complete no matter how.

I like, of course, to have "sent" postcards added to my postcard wall, but I am not that obsessed as to scan the postcards I am going to send before mailing them, just in case the receiver will not upload them. And I personally would be disappointed if I get a postcard, scan it, then I find the sender has already uploaded it. That option makes the thrill of scanning the postcards you receive completely meaningless - why bother, if the sender himself may have already uploaded it?

If you have a scanner, it is your choice to scan and upload the postcards you receive - and for people that gets a lot of postcards, that is a lot of work. So let each postcrosser decide if they want to scan and upload the postcards they receive.

That is only my opinion but I consider it all a very lame idea.


JEM, United States of America

I also am not sure I understand...if the sender scans and uploads the card, then when I register it, does it immediately appear on my 'received' wall? in that case, I would know before I scan (as I usually register before scanning) if I need to scan an image...

so that could save me scanning the image...

however, I could also scan and then in the interim the sender uploads, so I've still wasted my time..

I suppose it is unlikely that both would be uploading at the same time, but could a conflict result?

at any rate, I have never been interested in scanning my 'sent' cards...but I know some people I've said before, my 'sent' cards tend to be somewhat repetitious because there are some typical cards I tend to send, and I am not particularly interested in seeing them on my wall. And there are also types of cards people like, which I may have sent a number of, which is the same problem...repetitious...but I guess some people like to see all that, so it's a matter of preference...just that I object to the possibility of a sender changing or deleting cards I have taken the trouble to scan.

Fishy, Netherlands

Someone keeps deleting a card from my wall :( I've tried to upload it again twice now, but this person seems quite persistent in deleting all his/her sent cards each day. Why would someone do that? The card was quite nice, nothing to be ashamed of.

JEM, United States of America

this seems like the problem we have been worrying about...I wonder too why someone would do that...

theswissmiss, Switzerland

I am quite happy with the new feature "direct swaps" :) However, I think the majority of the users is happy with direct swaps and the default might better be set on "yes".

It would be so great for those who like to contact users and ask for direct swaps, if it was possible to directly search for interested users only (in the countries section). That would save a lot of time.

tanabata, Germany

Thank very much your for these useful new features!

ipuenktchen, Iran

as well as I adore the postcrossing site the new option the sender can add his card to the wall of the receiver is not that perfect.. sorry... for several reasons:
- ppl spoil the surprise by loading the cards when just sent, not still arrived..
- ppl add scans of low quality..
- as the *owner* of the wall I should have the option don't upload the cards I don't like..
- the same when there is a user who sent always the same cards - there is no need to upload them all........

I woullike to ask you to think again about this option
and perhaps remove it or add a button to allow as some others proposed before!?

but finally postcrossing is great and thank you to the team!

ipuenktchen, Iran

sorry, I misunderstood this part, ok - no spoiling of the surprise, when the uploaded sent-pics only appears after registering - but although I definitively don't like it if someone is messing around in my wall..

swan, United States of America

The low quality scan shouldn't be a problem. If you have a scan of higher quality, you can delete the other and then upload the higher quality scan.


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