At last! The day has finally come in which we see kiwis “flying” to deliver all those postcards from New Zealand. Look at them!

Aren’t these just gorgeous? You can’t really see it in these pictures, but the birds have a fancy overgloss coating! 😍 And the maxicards… perfection! It’s so exciting to see photos of the stamp, and not just a digital version. It’s real!
The reception from the community to this new Postcrossing themed stamp has been brilliant — not just from New Zealanders, but also from many postcrossers in other countries, who have pre-ordered some on the NZ Post shop for their upcoming visits or just to keep. We know postal workers have been super busy packaging those orders, and they should be popping up in everyone’s mailboxes very soon. If you manage to grab hold of some, or if one day you receive one of these on a postcard, do share some photos on the forum or on social media and tag us — we’d love to see them!
This coming Sunday, postcrossers in Auckland are meeting at the Wattle Downs café to celebrate the stamp launch and make use of their cute new maxicards. If you’re in the area, come join them for some friendly chat and postcard writing!