Postcard RU-1272142

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postcard image of RU-1272142
Lubov117, Russia
Lubov117 said:
posted over 4 years ago

The composition "The coachman" near the building of the "Youth Fashion" in the city of Chelyabinsk presents by myself a coachman sitting at the workplace, in a wagon, bowing his head, apparently from fatigue, and a faithful, kind dog sitting nearby and carefully looking at the coachman with devoted eyes.

Lubov117, Russia
Lubov117 said:
posted over 4 years ago

Композиция "Кучер" у здания "Молодежной моды" в городе Челябинске представляет собой собственно кучера, сидящего на рабочем месте, в повозке, склонившего голову, видимо от усталости, и верную, добрую собачку, сидящую рядом и внимательно смотрящую на кучера преданными глазами.

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