
yezhik, Russia
  • country Russia
  • Member since Joined 19th Jul., 2014
  • icon Seen over 7 years ago

Receive postcards

About Kate...

Hello! I'm working in film. I'm projectionists. I love to play guitar. I love rock'n'roll. Also I listen to Russian rock band AlisA and sometimes I go to their concerts in the other cities, as a football fan)And it's a great opportunity to meet people from different corners of Russia. Big fan of Doctor Who(3,4,9,10,11 doctors especially)
I love to ride my bike. ride on it until the snow falls

write me an interesting fact that you know about my country.

I am also interested in all kinds of films, so if you can recommend a movie in particular I would like to hear about it.

I'll be glad any postcard but postcards from this wishlist will make me especially happy
- actors, Directors, musicians, writers and other famous people
- film technology (projector,video camera,cinema hall, films, tape, film Director, filmmaker, lumiere_bros etc.)
- pop corn
- Plimsoll shoe/кеды
- maps
- bike, trains, ships, buses, motorcycles, airplanes
- sailing vessel/парусники (for my boyfriend Pavel)
- guitar
- winter
- rain, umbrella
- hedgehog
- jesters
- military and military history, World War
- funny cards
- James Bond
- Doctor Who !
- Sherlock Holmes,(особенно с Василием Ливановым и Виталием Соломиным)
- House, M.D. How I meet your mother, etc
- movies (The Lord of the Rings, Singin' In The Rain, Roman Holiday, any movies *_*)
- Walt disney, Pixar or other animation movies
- flags,
- national symbols, national costumes
- b&w with red colour
- Российская империя, Государи
- советские/российские мультики (ну, погоди, казаки, простоквашино, жил был пес, говорящая рыба, ежик в тумане и т.д. и т.п.)
- советские фильмы
- СССР (агитплакаты, личности, символы)
- котовасия, коты Долотова, коты Румянцева, коты мира, котs Тани Перовой
- Великая Отечественная война

- Also you always can look to my favorites, I haven't received any of those postcards:)
here you can see my collection of postcards

Advertizing films are welcomed :)
if you wish to send AD-card on another theme, please send it clean and in envelope, thanks

please, no insects and hand-made cards. they scare me)

but I'll be glad any postcard

I wish you luck and happy postcrossing

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