
wilczysko, Poland
  • country Poland
  • Member since Joined 28th Apr., 2013
  • icon Seen over 7 years ago

Receive postcards

About Natalie...


'Welly, welly, welly, well'! ;-) My name's Natalie, I'm a 19-year-old girl. I come from Poland. It's a beautiful country in Central Europe.

I'm very curious creature with a brain (that's new!), curious about everything around me. That's why I have a lot of hobbies.

First of all, I'm very keen on photography (especially portraits) and movies. In future I'd like to be a camerawomen. My favourite movies're 'Hugo Cabret', 'Girl, Interrupted', 'Finding Neverland', 'the Shawshank Redemption', Kieslowski, 'Peter Pan', 'Iron Man' and 'the Clockwork Orange'.

If you're a fan of Stephen Hawking, Sherlock Holmes or the Doctor - we'll get on like a house on fire (obvoiusly).

I read books. A l o t. I write and translate stories. I love geography. I'm mad about the British Isles, Scandinavia and New Zealand. From a scientific point of view, I love astronomy. That should explain my intrest in physics.

I'm also intrested in criminology and psychology.

I have two cats, Lubis and Sylvester and a young husky Harry.


I'd like to receive a postcard with a view/map of/photography from a city/country you live, but if you have another idea: I'd be glad of anything from you! :-) I'm amazed of (night) landscapes, old pictures, UNESCO, homemade... You can see what's in my favourite. Only please, don't send me a piece of paper with a dull commercial thing!

Thanks a lot/dziękuję bardzo,

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