
wanna_wine, Ukraine
  • country Ukraine
  • Member since Joined 24th Dec., 2016
  • icon Seen over 5 years ago

Receive postcards

About Polina...

Hi! I'm Polly, a girl from Kyiv and a student of historical department. I like reading, taking photos, cooking a lot of sweet stuff and learn something interesting about history, psychology, ethnology...
I'm very interested in cards:
- wich can tell me anything about culture and traditions of your country;
- painting and art;
- cute animals;
- handmade, books or anything about your hobbies;
My big dream is to travel all over the world, but now it's difficult to do. I try to explore the world anyway, so you can help me. But I'll be happy to receive any card, so please, send the one you like:)
Please, write the name of your favorite book or poem. I'm looking for good stuff to read:)

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