
vermichelle, Russia
  • country Russia
  • Member since Joined 28th Oct., 2013
  • icon Seen 4 months ago

Receive postcards

About Mariia...

Hey there, stranger! My name is Mariia, but my friends call me Mary. So can you!
Please, write me about yourself or about your country and a place you live in, I'd love to learn something new! And I'm very keen on nice stamps, I always try to use pretty and interesting stamps and I do expect to recieve smth interesting too ;)

♣My big passion right now is make-up. I love everything related to it, and currently I'm on my way to become a pro make up artist. I'll be glad to get something related to make-up artistry ;)
♣Also I'm obsessed with The Witcher. I'm a big fan of Andrej Sapkowski's books about Geralt of Rivia, and a big fan of game franchise, but The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt is my favorite one. If you have something related to The Witcher (ANYTHING!) please do not hesitate to send it to me ;) You'll make me a happier person!
♣Also I do love:
- vintage/retro postcards (old movies, Marilyn Monroe, pin-up; soviet/USSR too ;))
- OLD POSTCARDS! (like printed a long time ago or not so long, but a while ago :))))
- cartoons, books for children and comic books (my favorites are Watchmen and V for Vendetta by Alan Moore and I adore Moomins by Tove Jansson!)
- art! That says it all :) modern less, but... well, any kind of art! My favorite painters are Vincent van Gogh, Ivan Aivazovsky, Mikhail Vrubel, Arkhip Kuindzhi and William Turner.
- Harry Potter! Especially professor Snape/Alan Rickman.
- old pictures stuff (black and white photos from late 1800s and early 1900s)
- music! (I am a big fan of jazz, rock and alternative styles of music, the best band is THE BEATLES - forever!)
- different views, either city or countryside
- water: seas, rivers, oceans... <3
- my husband adores trams, you can make him happy too!
- sunsets and sunrises! and nature :)

You can check out my gallery of faves to understand what I want.
BUT I will be glad to recieve ANY postcard!
Well, BUT I DON'T quite LIKE the postcards in the envelopes.... I love the pleasure of getting THE POSTCARD, not the letter... SORRY!
Happy postcrossing! :)

Для русских посткроссеров: присылайте мне открытки с видами Ваших городов (только не мульти-вид!), я обожаю новые места и надеюсь посетить как можно больше и русских, и зарубежных городов. Или то, что Вы привезли из других стран - было бы тоже здорово!+ то, что перечислено выше, конечно. Кроме того, я всегда стараюсь использовать необычные марки, беру их в местном магазине РусМарки и "кремли" вообще стараюсь не отправлять, поэтому хотелось бы и от вас получить какую-нибудь классную марку! ^_^
Также с особой любовью отношусь ко старым открыткам, напечатанных еще в советские времена. Но вообще я рада любой открытке, главное, чтоб не в конверте была :) Удачного посткроссинга!

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