
travin, Russia
  • country Russia
  • Member since Joined 16th Jan., 2012
  • icon Seen 2 months ago

Receive postcards

About travin...

Hello, I'm Alexander from Russia. I'm 31 years old. Live and work in Ivanovo city. I'm a historian and take part in excavatory archaeology. I like reading books and listening to music. I'm crazy about watching and playing football. I'm a fan of football club Zenit from St. Petersburg!

I would be happy to receive a card with:

* Football teams in your city (country) - that would be amazing!
* Stadiums
* Sights of your country
* Ships
* Legendary people of your country (politicians, artists, athletes)
* Flags and Emblems of your city or country
* Heroes of comics
* Elvis, The Beatles, Charlie Chaplin, Clint Eastwood
* Cartoon characters (Disney, Krtek)
If not, it's not a problem. You can send any other card.

If it's not difficult to write your favorite artist (music group).

I'll be very happy!

Hope you'll be in a good mood!

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