
tina91, China
  • country China
  • Member since Joined 8th Feb., 2012
  • icon Seen over 5 years ago

Receive postcards

About Tina...

Hi! I am Tina , from the green city——Yulin,a little city of Guangxi Province, China. Now I teaching Chinese in a primary school.
Western culture, Hollywood movies and French movies all about movie are my favourite .!
Here are things that I like:

- the local landscape
- natural scenery (such as flowers and trees)
- about movie and movie stars(everything about movies make me
- famous people in your country
- film&the scene american shows:The Lord of the Rings、Firends
- movie star:Audrey Hepburn 、Greta Garbo、Nicole Kidman
- and anything you want to share with=)

Please put a date on your postcard=)thank you!
By the way,if you don't know what to write on postcard,maybe you can tell me something about yourself & movie.
WOW~~I can't wait to hear from you!!
~~Love you & Have fun~~

***If you want to send a card in an envelope, I would be glad if you put movie/ train tickets/ coins/ stamps/ bookmarks/ unused postcard or something else from your country. ***

So I am open for private swaps and pen-pals.
Send me a postcard you would like to receive.

PS. If I haven't received your postcard for more than 60 days, please to tell me your postcard ID, and I will register it for you.
Happy postcrossing!!!#

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