
theanneharrison, Canada
  • country Canada
  • Member since Joined 6th Mar., 2014
  • icon Seen over 8 years ago

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About Anne...

I'm 21 and love comedy (stand up, sketch, and whatever else you can think of), pugs, and things that are glittery. I have a degree in English and hope to one day write for anyone that will pay me (with television being my passion). Interests include David Bowie, nail art, trees, zebras, baking, Cat Stevens, video games, and bad movies since they're obviously more fun to watch than anything of actual quality (The Room, anyone?). I love American treasure and comedian extraordinaire Chelsea Peretti. Lily Allen is a HUGE guilty pleasure of mine. I have a strange appreciation for taxidermy which goes against all of my vegetarian tendencies. I like literature and pop culture in general.
I'd be grateful for any postcards that tie in to my above mentioned interests or just a little slice of where you call home!

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