
stancastillo, Philippines
  • country Philippines
  • Member since Joined 19th May., 2012
  • icon Seen over 8 years ago

Receive postcards

About Stan...

I am an aspiring traveler.

Ive always had a desire for adventures but I have always feared the unexpected. So to you, who is reading this right now, please take me away, for even a moment. Show me the world I live in and what I am missing, so that one day I might find the courage to travel and explore the world.

Send me a postcard, not the commercial ones but those really creative and unique ones that really encapsulate what the country is all about, may it be cheap or handmade. I'd love to hear more about the secrets and experiences rather the physical or tourist descriptions.

Please share to me YOUR world. Engross me in it! Tell me what you remember or what you have experienced in that place! Describe your memories or the little facts, rumors and stories you hear about it, negative or positive, which your country's tourism prefers to keep hidden or publicized.

It will be our little secret. Promise!

Take me with you! I want to be in your shoes. So that even for a day I can imagine myself out of my usual routine of dancing, watching television, editing, thrift shopping and the list goes on and on!

If you want to learn more about me you can visit my blog or check out my instagram or twitter account: stancastillo :)

I am Stan Castillo. A dancer. A performer. A quite convincing public speaker. A promo plug producer by day and a writer by night. A concert lover. A model from time to time. A style slave. Pretty much a lone gypsy.

What I am not though is a traveler. Please take me with you? :)

If you could attach a coin, a little souvenir, a leaf, a receipt from a local restaurant, a train ticket, or a newspaper headline to the postcard, i'd be grateful! You could also doodle on the card or put stickers and stamps! It will make me so happy to have something from over there!

Im excited to hear from you and see the world through your postcard :)

Happy Postcrossing!

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