
spygetsastar, Estonia
  • country Estonia
  • Member since Joined 16th Mar., 2015
  • icon Seen over 7 years ago

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About Anna...

I am a world explorer and life enthusiast. My interests include:

- psychology. It is always fascinating to look into a human mind. Moreover, I am planning to start training to become a counsellor/therapist in the nearest future, as I want to make an impact on more personal level and help people to learn to love themselves and their lives.
- travelling. Whilst mainly in Europe (still have a number of countries to explore here), I have been to Malaysia and Singapore, and have lived in India while volunteering. Hoping to do more volunteering in years to come!
- photography. I love capturing moments and I dearly love instagram.
- healthy lifestyle. A devote pescetarian, I also try to avoid processed sugar, and don't drink alcohol. I enjoy cooking and exploring various cuisines. I also wake up at 5am and consider morning to be the most beautiful part of the day.
- drawing. Just for myself really, but sometimes I draw with henna on hands (skill gained in India) and sometimes I do silk painting too.
- playing the guitar, again, just for myself.
- learning languages. I currently can (some well, some still need improvement) speak 6 languages and am not planning to stop here. It is so rewarding to see people smile when you greet them in their mother tongue!
- yoga and spirituality are a huge and important part of my life.

The music I listen to can be seen at: www.last.fm/user/spyge312
My instagram: www.instagram.com/spygetsastar
TV shows I watch(-ed): LOST, House MD, HIMYM, Scrubs, Game of Thrones, The Newsroom, Once upon a Time, Downton Abbey, Orange Is the New Black, Better Call Saul, etc. You name it. :)

I am very excited to exchange postcards with all the wonderful people around the world! I will be genuinely happy to receive any postcard, but if you struggle to write something, you can just describe why you decided to send me this particular card, or tell me three random facts about yourself.

Have a sunny (or rainy, if you prefer so) day you all! And happy postcrossing.

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