
sosogom, Korea (South)

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About Geunyoung...

I am:
✿ geun young :)
✿ My native is korean, and I live in Gim-hae, and is close to a Busan.
✿ My job is kindergarten teacher.I really like my job, even if it´s sometimes very busy.

I love:
✿ Listen: Fishmans, Thornapple, Arcade Fire, Ramon leal
✿ Reading: Isaka Kotaro
✿ Collect: Hello kiity, happy meal toys
✿ Go: Traditional market, Flea market, Museum of art
✿ Food: Toppokki

Card-wise I prefer:
✿ Ghibli studio, Moomin, Snoopy
✿ Polar bear
✿ Hello kitty
✿ Cats and painting cats
✿ Famous painting
✿ Traditional
✿ Map
✿ Christmas

I just don't like ad card and handmade card.

If you don't know what to write:
✿ I love different language, so please write in any language.
✿ Please include the date and the weather.

Thank you for your Postcard!
(>_<)/ have a nice day~

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