
siscamira, Indonesia
  • country Indonesia
  • Member since Joined 25th Jan., 2014
  • icon Seen over 7 years ago

Receive postcards

About Fransisca...

Hi! I'm Sisca from Jakarta :D
I'd like to have any type of postcard, but these are my preferred postcards:
- vintage building or place of interest
- people (native people, actually)
- celebrities and movies (I'm a movie freak!)
- dogs
- Psychology thingy (like Freud, not sure if this exist though haha)
- No cartoon or ads, please!
- or anything cute and unique
Please kindly write something about you, your city/country, or your favorite movie/song :)

I'm recently learning German and French, so if you come from a German or French spoken country, please write me in German or French because it might help me in learning ;)

Bonjour! Mon nom est Sisca. Je suis étudiante de la psychologie, a l'universite d'Indonésienne. S'il vous plaît écrivez-moi en francais, je voudrais apprendre le français. Merci!

Halo! Mein Name ist Sisca. Ich bin eine Studentin. Bitte schreiben mir in Deutsch, ich möchte Deutsch besser verstehen. Danke!

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