
sergiyskyrda, Ukraine
  • country Ukraine
  • Member since Joined 8th Jan., 2013
  • icon Seen over 10 years ago

Receive postcards
  • icon Not interested in direct swaps
  • icon English, Ukrainian
  • icon 8th August 1992
    (31 years old)

About Sergiy...

Привіт усім з України, дорогі посткросери!
Hi to all from Ukraine, dear postcrossers!
My name is Sergiy and I am 20 years old. I am new to this service and I am there to get acquainted with people of different nationalities and interests. So feel free to show me everything what you consider interesting about yourself and your country. What I (and suppose most of people to do the same) really appreciate in a postcard is sincerity. It may be even a picture of your today’s dinner, but done by the soul =)
What about my range of interests I am a great sport lover, mostly football and basketball. A lot of countries and cities are associated for me with some football club, so if you send me a picture of anything connected with a football team of your place, I will be pleased.
My profession is about (such a strange and difficult word) cybernetics. Tell me or show, how you imagine it.
What I would also like to get in a postcard is:
- typical landscape of your country
(city, village or house where do you live)
- flags of different countries
- sport events, took place in yours
- sincere feelings between people
- anything typical for your people, like traditions, holidays and
so on.
Thank you for your cards. Hope, you will help me to get to know more about this wonderful world!

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