
renidarosz, Indonesia
  • country Indonesia
  • Member since Joined 10th Nov., 2013
  • icon Seen over 9 years ago

Receive postcards

About Renida...

Hello everyone!
I'm Zita from Indonesia. I'm an architecture student and I currently live in a nice town called Yogyakarta.

I'd like to receive postcards which can show me about the culture of your country. It can be foods, nature, landmark of your country, national instruments, map, traditional dress,etc.

I'll be glad as well to receive the retro and vintage postcards such as picture of audrey hepburn, vintage floral, vintage camera,etc. I also like fashion postcards, art postcards, and illustration postcards, Eiffel postcards. If you're from japan, I'll be very thankful if you send me Shinzi Katoh postcards. But basically I'll be happy to receive any postcards from you.

Sorry to say I don't receive handmade postcards and ads postcards

You can write a postcard in your mother tongue but please translate it in English. If you are from Korea, China, Japan, or another country that have a special characters, you can write it as well. I love postcards with stamps and your handwritten. if you are pretty good at sketching then you may do it.

Happy Postcrossing! :)

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