
pomodoro, Russia
  • country Russia
  • Member since Joined 1st Nov., 2015
  • icon Seen over 7 years ago

Receive postcards
  • icon Interested in direct swaps
  • icon Russian, English, German
  • icon she/her
  • icon 9th January 1994
    (30 years old)
  • icon vk.com/id2293398

About Svetlana...

Hi, you can call me as Pomo Doro! I live in Moscow region and work in Moscow. I'm analyst data quality. I recently graduated from the Moscow University of Communications and Informatics. I wrote about my interests at the end.

I would love to see pictures that represents any special things of the place where you live or about your culture, something specific,
racy, peculiar, if we can say so. Something which learnt only people in your city, country or region. For example, pictures with unpopular places in the city, unusual perspectives, national holidays, clothes etc. I like to see a piece of soul in any card (it may be vintage or art image of certain area).

I will glad to see:
- few words or phrases in your language
- colourful art postcards
- reproductions painting
- any national signs
- watercolor style
- watermelons
- tomatoes, pomodoro, green tomatoes
- S-Petersburg
- date, when you send me a card

If it possible and you want, you can send me card and little signs of your city/country (ticket or anything else) in envelope.

If you dont know what you can write, you can teach me idioms from your language, or think about any absolutely small event or fact for you, because it will be specific for me. For example, near my town there is airport Domodedovo and every day, day and night, lots of aircrafts flying over my head, over my house. I and my family, my neighbors don't hear the noise from aircrafts. Just because we are used to and don't notice it. But our guests usually surprised the sound. I think it's funny and just I told you, I sure you can too.

I respect and appreciate your card, whatever it was.

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