
pochemychka2009, Ukraine
  • country Ukraine
  • Member since Joined 13th Nov., 2013
  • icon Seen over 7 years ago

Receive postcards
  • icon Interested in direct swaps
  • icon Ukrainian Russian English
  • icon 5th May

About Svetlana...

Hi, my name is Svetlana, I am here with his eldest daughter of Jana. I am 35 years old and my daughter is 9 years old .
She and I would be very interested to read every address that we had to learn about the country where we have to send a postcard, select, and hope that our card comes and love YOU. We are pleased to read a few words about your country, city, sights and interesting national custom, if YOU write in the card.
Maybe you have an interesting hobby or life? Write to us about it. We collect figures of elephants, folding puzzles in many pieces 1500,2000 and more, collect brooches. And You?

I will be very- very- very HAPPY if you send to me Maximum card.

Maximum card (also known as a maxi-card, or maxicard) is a postcard with a postage stamp placed on the picture side of the card where the stamp and card match or are in concordance. In most cases, the cancellation is also related to the image on the front of the card and the stamp.
Any maximum card(maximumcard). For example:

The cards, which I would like to receive:

- with ballerinas, and everything to do with ballet;
- fairy stories, my daughter still children and they like to consider them and to dream;

NOT only the sights and simple building. Sorry, but please NO simple buildings.

Please send me a postcard in the ENVELOPE. If possible, use а lot of stamps please. WE collect stamps =)

Put ticket any transport, if you can.

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