
nataly_nataly_s, Belarus
  • country Belarus
  • Member since Joined 3rd Jan., 2015
  • icon Seen over 7 years ago

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About Nataly...

Hi everyone')
My name is Nataly. I'm a student of Belorussian State Medical University. I'm a future dentist (and I like everything about my future job'))
I like learning and discovering new things every ( from cultures to individuals, from countries to families, from objects to museums etc.). So l travel a lot, l read books (my favorite books are "Harry Potter"!! and "Gone with the wind" Margaret Mitchell), listen to music and I'm trying to connect with as many ( and different) people as possible. I like sport (especially biathlon and hockey))
You can send me postcards with:
Food/drinks (tea, coffee, macaroons, cakes etc.)
Cartoons (Disney)
Countries and cities: all'! But I like so much India, Asia, Norway, Finland and Of course, cards where are you from)
Films and serials : all! Harry Potter, Old Hollywood films, Grey's anatomy, Castle etc.)
Books: all! Of course, card of your favorite book')
Art: Salvador Dali, Ivan Aivazovsky etc.
Animals: Monkey, tiger, lion, panda, cat, bear etc
Famous people
Sport: football, hokey ( my favorite team is "Pittsburgh Penguins"), biathlon etc.
and please, write something on postcard')

P.S. Please send me a custom postcard, if you can.
P. P. S. You can find me on Instagram: nataly_nataly_s')

❗️Can't register a postcard with rose, Rimdo, please, write me here!!

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