
nastyaliber, Russia
  • country Russia
  • Member since Joined 5th Nov., 2012
  • icon Seen over 3 years ago

Receive postcards

About Anastasia...

Hello, my name is Anastasia (or Nastya, any way you want it)!
I'm 23 years old. I love to learn different languages and cultures. This is a kind of way to expand consciousness.
Well, I'm a dreamer. I love history, art, music, magic :) I'm still waiting for a letter from Hogwarts.
I think that postrcrossing is a unique opportunity. It`s really cool to have a chance to share smth interesting with people from all over the world!
I will be happy to receive postcards of any kind,but here is the list of my favourite ones:

* History
* Old school, vintage
* Magic things (Harry Potter for ex.)
* Universe
* Nature of your town/city
* Funny cards
* Paitinigs/artworks
* Animals

I will be happy if you recommend your favorite book or movie.
If you decide to send a postcard in an envelope you can add something like tickets to cinema, bus, funny pictures,stickers, mb coin any trinkets as you wish.
And will you please be so kind to write the date on the postcard and one phrase in your native language.
Thank you!

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