
mstachowska, Poland
  • country Poland
  • Member since Joined 30th Sep., 2012
  • icon Seen over 6 years ago

Receive postcards

About Marta...

Hi! Hello!

My name is Marta, I'm twenty and I live in most beautiful city in Poland - Wroclaw. I'm a communication student, interested in fashion, theater, art, social media and marketing stuff. I love exploring other countries' culture. And LOVE musicals !

I'd be more than happy if a postcard image would cover one of those topics:
*girly stuff in general

Any other will also be appreciated - don't worry - it's not a demand! ;)

*I would really appreciate if you'd wrote something personal: biggest dream, favorite song or favorite quote for example.

*Once I got a beautiful hand-made envelope made with a page snatched from the geographical atlas, that was SOMETHING. If you're willing to spend a little more time, you can send me postcard in an envelope with some casual, used gifts in it (stickers, stamps, anything related to your country). You will make me very, very happy! Then, you should put your address od the postcard so I can send something back to you ;)

~Lastly, (I'm sorry for such long presentation) if you don't know where to find a nice card check this out:

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