
morsmodre, Portugal
  • country Portugal
  • Member since Joined 8th Sep., 2010
  • icon Seen over 10 years ago

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  • icon Portuguese, English, Japanese (a little)
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About morsmodre...

I am a traveler. Indeed, I like visiting countries, seeing great gardens and beautiful buildings, beautiful gardens and great buildings. But most of all I like to travel in the domains of the mind: meeting people, experiencing cultures, smelling that small cozy coffee in the company of that special person, talking long hours in the night about the latest crappy movie or the pretentious paintings in the museum, transverse and learn with different psychologies, philosophies and believes, laugh about that oh-so-terrible joke, get slightly frightened in the immensity of a silent fog.
Of course, all this is highly enhanced if living in and/or meeting others countries' people. And that's where postcrossing comes in: it's another great way to peek into other realities and perspectives, another way to learn about other customs and people. Having lived in Sweden and Japan (two favorite countries:) I realize how different we all are and, particularly, how fundamentally equal everyone is.

Having read this I hope you'll get a sight of the postcards I prefer. Either being a Dali, a jungle temple, a landscape, a facial expression, a pop-art icon, a detail, a child-made drawing, an Evangelion picture or just a color, the important thing is the writings on it. That memory you hold with it, the revelation you have when looking it, the comfort, worry, excitement, the happiness in your eyes, the darkness in your past, the shimmering of your smile, the tears of your ghost, the thoughts and teachings, the feelings and curiosities, the dreams and hopes. I know I may be asking for too much but I believe it's good to go as far as one can go. After all, aren't we all travelers? :)

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