
maximuk, Estonia
  • country Estonia
  • Member since Joined 22nd Aug., 2009
  • icon Seen over 8 years ago

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About Roman...

Hello, I'm Roma, and you definitely need to know:

* I'm working in puppet theatre.
* I do not accept the fact that Pluto is not a planet.
* I love snow.
* I talk in my sleep.
* I do not understand the importance of money.
* I read slowly.
* I am not able to care for plants.
* I'm not afraid of the cold.
* I do not have watch.
* I really like "Sailor Moon" anime.
* As a child for a long time did not distinguish where the left-right, and how to use the clock with arrows.
* I like to use Roman numerals.
* I sort the trash.
* In my childhood a long time I thought that Michael Jackson is woman.
* Good movie - my best way to relax.
* Once I tried to become a hockey fan.
* I have epee.
* I like to watch the final episodes of long played TV shows. Even if I have not seen a single episode before this.

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