
lilianaestrela, Portugal
  • country Portugal
  • Member since Joined 19th Aug., 2005
  • icon Seen over 11 years ago

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About Liliana...

Hello! I'm a 25 years old girl from Portugal living and working in Lisbon.

I live with my boyfriend and our 4 parakeets: Ozzy, the male, Pipia de female, their son Pintas (Spots in English) and his girlfriend Tortinha. And our two cats too! They are Tobias and Telcas! We love our pets!
I'm vegetarian since January 2006.

My interests:
- Knitting, my biggest hobby!
- Music (Moonspell, MONO, Heavenwood, Anathema, Lacuna Coil, Rob Zombie, Pink Floyd, Therion, Lordi, Inactive Messiah, Pain, Dimmu Borgir, Chrome Division, Supercar, etc)
- Books (J. K. Rowling, Anne Rice, Stephen King, Lovecraft, José Saramago, Eça de Queiroz, Dan Brown, Fernando Ribeiro, José Luís Peixoto, Stephanie Meyer, etc.)
- Comics (Garfield, Dilbert, the Fusco Brothers, Get Fuzzy, Viivi and Wagner, Orneryboy, The Order of the Stick, etc)
- Japan (Love it!)
- India (Sarees!!)
- Movies and TV Shows (Lost, Sex and the City, Grey's Anatomy, etc...)
- Animals (especially birds and cats)
- Vegetarianism

My biggest hobby it’s my collections. I collect:
- Bookmarks
- Calendars
- Postcards
- Lighters
- Telephonic cards
- Perfume ads in magazines
- Stamps
- Pens
- Coins
- Old or different magazines
- Magazines and newspapers cuts
- Old photos
- Magazine covers
- Contact cards
- Pins
- Candy papers
- Fruit stickers

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