
lady_bird, Belarus
  • country Belarus
  • Member since Joined 22nd Jul., 2010
  • icon Seen over 7 years ago

Receive postcards
  • icon Interested in direct swaps
  • icon English, Spanish, Belarusian, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian, reads German, Slovak, Czech
  • icon she/her
  • icon 28th November 1985
    (38 years old)

About Lena...

Pryvitannie! = Hello!
I like learning languages, reading, doing handicrafts and traveling. I just finished my PhD and I'm a lecturer at the university.

On your card, I would like you to write smth you've heard of Belarus, or smth you know about my country.

When sending a postcard, I always try to choose the one that would tick the box for you, so please try to do the same for me if it is possible - it doesn't take much effort to try and keep each other happy:) I really appreciate your efforts when sending me a postcards according to my wishlist!

۩ I'm sorry, I don't really like "tourist" cards with city views I've never been to and landscapes I've never seen before (but I'll appreciate single views of my favourite cities: Barcelona, Bratislava, Bremen, Budapest, Florence, Gdansk, Krakow, Ljubljana, London, Lviv, Paris, Praha, Venice and Wien).

Now I have so many cards and several duplicates, so I've decided to put a card in my faves only if I haven't got one yet. So MY FAVES is the best source for you if you can't choose a card for me.
To avoid the "repeated" cards I have from the swap -
check my Picasa albums, please, especially for maps, Moomins, Krtek and koalas:

۩ map cards, subway schemes, flags, alphabets
۩ botanical illustrations
۩ mosaics, patchwork patterns, fabrics, pattern design, tiles (esp. Portugese and Spanish)
۩ beautiful CHRISTMAS card!!!

۩ for Brittish postcrossers: all about Alice in Wonderland! I love these stamps, really want to have them in my collection:
۩ for Finnish: Moomins!
۩ for Dutch: Nintje by Dick Bruna, Jip en Janneke (Fiep Westendorp), Kikker (Max Velthuijs)
۩ for USA: map cards of the States!!! (I still need 16 states: Colorado, Connecticut, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont, West Virginia)
۩ USA, Canada and others: Native Americans
۩ for Chinese: Blue and White Porcelain, Jetoy
۩ for Japanese: Gotochi, Hokusai, Hello Kitty, Jetoy
۩ for French: Atelier Nouvelles, sights of Paris
۩ for Czech: Krtek, sights of Praha and Brno
۩ беларускім посткросерам: буду рада паштоўкам, якія ёсць сярод маіх favourites, або совам у любой праяве:)

۩ Little Prince!!! and illustrations from children`s books
۩ Winnie-the-Pooh, Krtek, Smurfs, other fairy-tales and cartoons characters (Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck etc.)
۩ book-covers (esp. Penguin books, Ladybird books), The New Yorker, Vanity Fair
۩ Asterix & Obelix, Tintin

۩ art cards (esp. Chagall, Hundertwasser, Kandinsky, Modigliani, Picasso, Van Gogh and others)
۩ Atelier Nouvelles
۩ vintage, Art Nouveau posters (Mucha, Toulouse Lautrec, Grasset)

۩ koalas, owls, pandas, ladybirds, squirrels - photos and paintings
۩ lighthouses, esp. painted

Thank you for reading my eno-o-ormous profile!

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