
kanioshki, Poland
  • country Poland
  • Member since Joined 21st Feb., 2015
  • icon Seen over 8 years ago

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About Magda...

one night
when you were just a star
someone hung every hope
every wish
every dream
they ever had
from your limbs

so if you ever feel inferior
ever start to doubt
your beauty
or brilliance
just remember:

you have constellations
lining the cathedral walls
of your chest, a moon for
a heart, and the sunlight
pouring through your skin

you are a symphony of stardust
and you were born to shine.

- tyler kent white

about me

Languages: Polish, English, little French
Interests/Hobbies: It’s hard to say actually! I think I’m an artist who can’t fully express oneself! I like metalcore music, tattoos and piercing. I love cats (have one) and plants. I’m fascinated by scandinavian culture. I watch The Vikings, Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, Californication etc. Love reading books too!

I’m in that moment of life when I’m trying hard to be a better person every single day. I want to live fully and live light. I'm grateful for all the little things I have in my life.

I'm happy for any postcard actually! You can write there whatever you want - it might be a describtion of your day, a poem, your deep thoughts, the problem you can't solve or just you may say "hi" and draw something :)

Take care and have fun!
Always remember to think positive and smile!

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