
kami-kadze, Russia
  • country Russia
  • Member since Joined 22nd Aug., 2011
  • icon Seen over 1 year ago

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About Daria...

Hi, my friend postcrosser!
It seems you have my adress now. So, you're always welcome to visit me and have a cup of tea =)

My name is Daria, I'm from Russia, Moscow, and I'm addicted to everything BLUE. So, first of all, if you could, please, send me BLUE postcard. It can be anything what you want, just blue.

Well, if you haven't something blue, here is a list of my other favorite things:

- Volkswagen buses (aka van, combi, hippie bus, vw T1 and T2). Oh, I´m so in love with them!!

- Travelling (city maps, world maps, roads, vintage suitcases, photo cameras, ect.)
- Books.
- Big towns with skyscrapers.
- Ocean, surfing, beaches.
- Sea and lighthouses.
- Doors and windows.
- Bikes.
- Carousel.
- Graffiti, street art.
- Cupcakes, ice cream and other yummies.
- Kawaii animals.
- Magic and fairytales.
- "Hipster" stuff.
- "Friends", "Gilmore Girls", "Walking Dead", "Grey's Anatomy".
- Horror movies.

And, of course, I would like to recieve a picture of your own town. But please, don´t send me tourist cards with landmarks, I prefer the views of whole city, or nature, or something unusuall.

I´m challenging you to fulfill my wishes =)
Looking forvard to your card!

Happy postcrossing! =))
One love!

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