
jujuka, Russia
  • country Russia
  • Member since Joined 25th Oct., 2013
  • icon Seen over 3 years ago

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About Julia...

I'm Julia, 39. I've visited China, Honkong, Japan, Korea and Italy so far.. I'd like to explore at least a half of our amazing planet ;)

My hobbies are scrapbooking, making textile toys (Tilda) and Teddy vintage bears, cross stitching, amigurumi. Last year I had an intensive course of fashion illustration, so I can say that I've got new hobby!
I also adore reading, can spend a lot of time with a book. Sometimes I enjoy going to the cinema with my friends (or alone.. it doesn't matter) and chatting with my girls in cafes. I'm not sporty but dream to find some time to visit a fitness center.

About cards.. In general I like different colorful things, meaningful, with special mood, cute, beautiful and touching..

I like cards showing:
- Alice in wonderland (whatever)
- Beatrix Potter illustrations
- cards with cross stitching charts
- vintage dolls
- teddy bears
- babies
- streets (street lamps, cafes)
- fashion
- cups
- vintage, shabby style pictures, photos
- photographers, cameras
- handicrafts
- love&care
- friendship
- emotions
- animal's young
- owls (photos and drawn)
- ships and lighthouses
- doors and windows
- books
- something cosy and warm
- traditional events
- cartoons

I can continue but I think it's enough to choose something ;)
P.S. And two "please, not" - politicians, military leaders, weapons and multiview cards.

Thank you all! Happy Postcrossing!

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