
iris_arctic, Russia
  • country Russia
  • Member since Joined 21st Jan., 2011
  • icon Seen over 9 years ago

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About iris_arctic...


I'm Irina
Well, I'm fond of reading and watching short movies. Seals and sea-cubs are my passion. As many people I adore art nouveau.

I live with my husband and son in a small flat filled with our books and TOYS.

If possible, standard 10*15 cards are especially appreciated.

Some of my favorite subjects are
- local scenes or landmarks of your city or country
- art (contemporary, modern or traditional)
- books / literature
- seals and their cubs
- Alice in Wonderland
- Moomins
- Beatrix Potter
- A. Mucha, R. Olbinski, pre-raphaelites
- Royal family
- Olympics
- lavender

PS. I rarely scan the cards I recieve so if it's possible I would really appreciate you scanning the card)

Good luck!

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