
irinasitnova, Russia
  • country Russia
  • Member since Joined 13th Jan., 2016
  • icon Seen over 5 years ago

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  • icon English, Russian
  • icon she/her
  • icon 11th June 1997
    (26 years old)

About Irina...

Hello dear postcrossers,
My name is Irina, I am 19 years old. I live in St. Petersburg. My hobby is reading books, swimming, studying medicine (I am a student) . Sometimes I want to see something funny , so I turn on the " Running Man " (Korean Show) . After watching the show I remain positive emotions.My Favourite Band that Imagine Dragons.
I just love Comics (Marvel and DC) and movies on them. I like many heroes such as Arrow, Superman, Thor, Captain America. But most of all I like to Flash. I look forward to the release of new episodes of the series and the movies with him. "I'm Barry Allen, and I'm the fastest man alive !!!"
From books, I prefer those that capture their inner world in which is some kind of magic. such as the "Harry Potter", "The Hobbit", "The Chronicles of Narnia".Yes, it's really cool book. I hope that someday get my letter from Hogwarts or can get to Narnia😄. I also love the classics and especially russian, but sometimes I wonder some of Marquez or read Dreiser.
I would like to learn more of different peoples and their cultures, so I became postcrosser.
I like to learn new languages ​​for me (not hard if you do , could you write a few words in your language , thanks!).

Favorite topics:
- the Flash!!!
-Comics (Marvel/DC)
-movies and cartoons
-books (especially the Harry Potter and the Russian Classics)
-Korean celebrities ( especially C.N.BLUE)
-TV series
-musical instruments

I would be very pleased if it was depicted on a postcard that I really like, but I will be glad to any of your choice.😊
Thank you and Happy postcrossing!

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