
furin, China
  • country China
  • Member since Joined 29th Jul., 2014
  • icon Seen over 2 years ago

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About Furin...

Hi, I am Furin!
You may feel weird about my name, of course! because it's a made-up name, it sounds similar with my Chinese name (At least i think it does~)and it's unique, and I use it for many years.
I am a college students right now, studying Bio-tech, hoping to make a difference in the scientific world, I know it's hard but at least that's what I am doing now and I kind of loving it. Apart from studies, I also crazy about portrait photography and watching marvel's movie. Thor's BIG FAN!
I know my English writing needs to be improved, so if you receive my postcards, please don't judge my grammar or spelling.. Still working on it.
I like postcards in any form, except for political ones. You can chat with me about your days, or simply complaining about your life. Looking forward to hearing from different stories~

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