
fialoczka, Ukraine
  • country Ukraine
  • Member since Joined 13th Mar., 2015
  • icon Seen over 6 years ago

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About Viola...

*** David Croucher from Kentucky (USA)! I can't register your card. The ID is wrong! Please, contact me! ***

21.07 - 02.08 - on vacations

Hi! I am Viola and I live in Ukraine. I have two beautiful sons. My adorable hobby and work is scrapbooking. Also I am interested in cross stitching. I am a Catholic and play the organ in our parish.

This account I provide with my son David. He is 4 years old. So you can write a few words for him or tell us something about your country/city.

If you'd like to send a card exactly for him, you may choose something from funny cats. If you have nothing about this, please pick up from the following ones:

- I collect cards with Pirates: illustrations of pirates, pirates' ships, maps of treasures and so on!
- Fairies and fairy tales (beautiful illustrations);
- illustrations by Ole West;
-travelling (maybe something interesting about your country);
- Paris,
- Provence,
- spices;
- home and wild cats,
- ancient architekture,
- drawing and beautiful illustrations,
- lighthouses,
- sea lanscapes,
- mountains,
- mushrooms,
- everything about Catholic Church.
- everything about cross stitching.

I hate insects, except batterflies, do not like abstract pictures.
Also I'll be glad to receive any beautiful card you choose for me!

P.S. If you have an opportunity to send us a coin or a banknote from your country, we'll be happy! (you may type a coin to your card)
Have a good day!

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