
csyac10495, Hong Kong
  • territory Hong Kong
  • Member since Joined 14th Feb., 2013
  • icon Seen over 5 years ago

Receive postcards

About Mike...

Hi there, I'm Mike from HK.

I do LOVE birds(any kinds of birds), so please send me some birds. Form postcard, stamp or even you can draw one for me, I'll appreciate it :D

Please don't just send me "greeting"/"happy postcrossing" card. In the card, you may talk about yourself, things you like, your country, share me a good song/book etc.

BTW, I love beautiful stamp, so please send me revenue stamps if you can. But it is not a must:)

type of postcard/stamps I like, for reference only
- Birds!!!Birds!!!Birds!!!
- Train
- Landscape(desert, snow mountain, plateau, volcano, lake, meadow)
- No ending railroad, highway or road
(like this one http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8231/8445975820_a7eda2881a_z.jpg)
- Cultural things(not terrible)
- Historic Monuments or Statue(Please tell me its background)
- Guitar
- Wild animals(I don't like insect, sorry)
- Space view of earth or other planets(don't send me a "Lonely Planet" cover LOL)
- Map card or card with unique shape of your place
- or you can refer to my postcard wall(favourite)
for reference only


you can choose not reading the under part, it's only talking about myself

Thank you for your continued. Let's talk about myself. I want to backpacking around the world on my own. Countries I want to go the most are Bolivia, Ethiopia, Papua New Guinea, Ukraine and Germany. I backpacked to Xi'an, GuiLin, DunHuang and Tibet on my own by train. Anyway, thanks for internet, I can know the world from it and using postcrossing to exchange postcard with you :)

Thank you for your reading

PS : If you learnt Chinese, feel free to write Chinese/English :)

HK-115067 to Ukraine(irisabel)
HK-117618 to Russia(leramak)
HK-150458 to Russia(Aleksa19)
HK-179150 to Ukraine(yulya_tretyak)
HK-181457 to Taiwan(sunny12981)
HK-338502 to Belarus(Sopfi)

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