
chinnny, Russia
  • country Russia
  • Member since Joined 20th Jan., 2013
  • icon Seen over 8 years ago

Receive postcards
  • icon Not interested in direct swaps
  • icon english, russian
  • icon she/her
  • icon 19th March

About chinnny...

Hi, I live in Velikiy (Great) Novgorod, the heart of ancient&traditional Russia. But we have no matreshka on the bookshelves and have no bears on the street, also not use samovars. :) But it's real ancient history all around the streets, especially in Old Kremlin. It's green, quiet and beautiful town, and I love it!

I like books (especially poetry, fantasy&fiction), art, foreign languages, dogs, cats and other animals, but not understand beauty of plants (only trees maybe).
I like to take pictures very much and adore b&w and sepia photography (i am crazy about reprints end of XIX-first half of XX cc), retro. also i adore moomin-trolls, Marvel comics heroes and Hayao Miyazaki's films.
I love the gothic architecture and castles.
Also I'm collecting postcards with the "Alice in Wonderland" illustrations. It'll be great if you send it.

And I like stamps too. ;)

I'll be glad if you write me a couple of words in your native language.

And please do not send ads, mostly they are not very interesting. If you think it's just great or cool - send, but write please, why it's interesting for you, ok?
Also, please, do not send religious cards (with quotes and wishes etc), I am atheist and don't understand this kind of card, sorry. But i adore religious things like a historical objects.

Thanks and good luck!

P.S. it's my 2nd profile, because I like postcards very much and want to collect them faster than usually with one. :)

Дорогие российские посткроссеры! Привет вам из Великого Новгорода!
В наших онлайн и офлайн магазинах море прекрасных открыток, но я прикипела душой к работам Татьяны Глущенко и Александра Угланова. Конечно, я могу и сама себе их дарить, но вы же понимаете, что это не то? ;)) Так что я буду в диком восторге, если мне придет что-нибудь мое любимое из далекого уголка нашей необъятной.
Еще советские мультики и Алиса. Картмаксимумы - просто отлично (если там вдруг у кого-то завалялся и не жалко ;)! Селфпринт - буду рада, но если отпечатано в типографии (это не так сложно, сама печатаю некоторые свои кадры в онлайн-типографиях), т.к. обычные фото сильно страдают от нашей почты, будет жалко ваши снимки.
И просто тащусь от репринтов, любых.
Удачной охоты, дорогие Маугли! ;))) Счастливого посткроссинга!

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