
btbt, Serbia
  • country Serbia
  • Member since Joined 31st Dec., 2015
  • icon Seen over 5 years ago

Receive postcards
  • icon Interested in direct swaps
  • icon English, Hungarian, Serbian
  • icon he/him
  • icon 13th May

About Balint...

Hello! My name is Balint. I am from Serbia.

Postcrossing is sharing a tiny bit of yourself with a stranger. I would love to hear more about you, your country, your everyday life, hobbies, passions, work, favorite books/movies/music/food. So please, PLEASE write more than:
"Hi, I am [name], I am [age] years old and work as [job] in [town]." Thank you!

I would not like to write any kind card requests, I am happy to receive any kind of cards you would like to send, just one: please send me a card that you would be happy to receive from somebody. If you wish, you can write a letter with your card, and you can send me any additional items you think would be interesting to share with a fellow postcrosser (anything, really). /In my country it is not permitted to send coins. :( / But of course, these are by no means requests, just sharing my thoughts with you.
If you are in the US, and you could put one of that cool new solar eclipse stamps on the card, that would be super super awesome!

Where I live it is really hard to buy postcards, so I have decided to send self-printed cards with my own photographs, They may feel not personal, but they are unique, and specifically chosen for you!

Sadly the post service in my country is pretty unreliable, so I am sending the postcards in envelope as a registered mail, maybe this way they don't get lost. If you can, In some countries that means the postman has to hand it to you personally, I sincerely apologize from you if I have caused any inconvenience for you because of that.

Many of you wrote that you would like to get a nice postcard from my country too, which I am happy to fulfill, but as I have wrote, I cannot buy "real" postcards, only what I print, so please only request a card in return if you are okay to get a card I made myself.

I am also looking for penpals from all over the world, both in the classical snail-mail format and also online penpals too!

If you have received a card from me, I would kindly ask you to upload a picture of it.

Thank you for reading this! I wish you happy Postcrossing!

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