
biopannochka, Russia
  • country Russia
  • Member since Joined 29th Oct., 2020
  • icon Seen 4 months ago

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About Darleen/Дарлин...

Sunny day to you!
My name is Darleen, 21 y.o., I`m from Russia, and studying clinical psychology at the University.

Please! Tell me what is important to you. About what happened to you recently (everyday stories are amazing) or about your innermost dream. About your favourite flowers or books, about what "love" meaning for you...Tell me about your life like we going to a long journey and everything we have - stories for each other.
For example, yesterday I found out of a man who sailed the Pacific on a raft without being able to swim! And today I learned that in Liechtenstein they paint sheep in different colors so they don’t get confused with others, because almost everyone has sheep!

What about me...
I so~ much love veeeery much arthouse cinema (i`m cinemaholic!!!), Japanese themes, poems (i write short poems!!), literature, mystical legend, flowers, fairytales, art, space, knights, castles, dragons, princesses and fairies, old tv series, retro anime and Moomins!

I dream of going to Switzerland to look at the mountains sitting on a pink swing and listening to music...

I've always liked paper products: books, letters, postcards. Furthermore, I`m very interested in meeting people from different countries. I always want to know something new. When communicating with people from abroad, you feel like you're at the places where they are. You feel the same as they do. Therefore, I would like to share a part of my world with you!

So...I will be happy with any of your postcards.

I`m always glad to draw animals, planet with stars or write a small poems for you in a letter~

Best wishes, Darleen.

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