
babydoll-leo, Russia
  • country Russia
  • Member since Joined 30th Dec., 2014
  • icon Seen over 4 years ago

Receive postcards

About Viktoriya...

Hi! I'm Victoria, I'm 30 years old. The first higher education I am a tax consultant, but decided to change the scope of its activities to work with children and get the second high education - bachelor's courses: preschool defectology, I will help children with disabilities. I have a son Leonid, he is 6 years old. In my spare time I love to read, cook, travel and spend time with family.

I would like to receive postcards from all over the world, especially any of the following topics:
♥ Harry Potter
♥ Owls
♥ Beacons
♥ rabbit, bunny
♥ magic, miracles
♥ Interesting or historical buildings of your city
♥ woodland
♥ Sea
♥ Holiday cards (new year, Christmas)
♥ Cats, animals
♥ children,
♥ dolphins
♥ angels
♥ Homemade cards are welcome and any work on the cards: stickers, drawings, original brand

For those who don't know what to write in their cards, here are a few questions that will help you:
♥ tell us about yourself and your Hobbies
♥ favorite book or recommend a book to me
♥ Something interesting about your country and city

Please include date, temperature and weather on the map.

If you send a postcard in envelope, please put the tea in the envelope or bookmarking. I would be very happy)
In any case, I will be glad to any postcards!

Happy postcrossing!!

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