
autere, Finland
  • country Finland
  • Member since Joined 10th Feb., 2009
  • icon Seen over 10 years ago

Receive postcards
  • icon Not interested in direct swaps
  • icon Finnish, English, badly Swedish, a bit German and French
  • icon she/her
  • icon 30th August

About Johanna...

Hello stranger!

I'm 25 years old girl currently living in Eastern Finland. I work as a librarian and I really like my job. You never know what you'll learn during the day! Reading, watching movies, knitting, baking, cooking and creative writing are few of my favorite things to do at home. I also love travelling and experiencing new things.

some subject examples for a card:

- black & white cards
- movies and actors/actresses (especially from old movies)
- anything about books or libraries
- astrology (I'm Virgo)
- something related to your folklore
- some nice picture or map of your hometown or country
- cows
- anything related to bars and beer drinking
- nostalgic or historical
- people showing their feelings
- buddhism, christianity, islam, hinduism, native religions... anything related to religions
- nerdy cards
- native americans
- strange people
- communism
- propaganda
- space and astronomy
- science fiction
- British royal family

I'm happy with any card you send. These are just examples. I like cards written and stamped.

I would be delighted, if you share one of your favorite recipe with me. You can also tell me about your day, things you like or some little fact about your culture.

Happy postcrossing!


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