
ausra-paulauskaite, Lithuania
  • country Lithuania
  • Member since Joined 26th Dec., 2010
  • icon Seen over 11 years ago

Receive postcards

About Aušra...

Labas/你好/こんにちは/Hello to everybody out there in the great, wide world. :)

So, my name is Aušra and if I were an animal, I'd definitely be a sloth. (Preferably a female version of Sid from "The Ice Age") Because if I had it my way, I'd spend the rest of my days just lying around, reading good books and philosophising about universe and such. :)
Until December of 2012 I was a Universty student (Junior year), but I finally dropped out, because I couldn't take it anymore, and right now I'm much happier than I was back then. Right now I live a perfectly normal life and even though it' not much, it's good enough for me. But I still do what I do best all the time - I dream. About things I want to see, places I'd love to go to, people I'd like to meet and so on. Like the lyrics from one of my favourite songs by Brandon Flowers: "Sometimes dreams are all you got to keep you going when the day gets long".
And, if you're not tired of my babbling, just a couple more things about me: my favourite musician is Josh Rouse, favourite book - "If on a winter's night a traveler" by Italo Calvino, favourite artist - Claude Monet. I'd like to travel across Europe by trains someday, I want to be a writer, my role model is Simone de Beauvoir, I believe in one true love (if one's lucky enough), I think that chocolate is the core of the human experience, I have a fake (and horrible) Brittish accent and I can't get rid of it, I talk way too loud, way too fast and way too much, as you might have already noticed. :)

Anyway, back to postcrossing. I'd appreciate any postcard really. Black and white or vintage pictures, animals, landscapes, paintings, nature, famous places and so on... However, there are two things I'm not really fond of. (not to say that I don't like them) One of them is multi-view tourist postcards. And the other thing is ad-cards for things like local telephone companies and such. I don't mind ad-cards in general, because some of them are amazingly done, so don't hesitate to send me one. :) I know that some people live in places where it's virtually impossible to find various postcards, so you can ignore both of those things, because I'll treasure the postcard anyway. It's not about the looks, it's about what's written inside, right? :)

So, have a wonderful morning, day, evening or night, or all together!


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