
ReallyDeepThoughts, Singapore
  • country Singapore
  • Member since Joined 27th Apr., 2010
  • icon Seen 6 days ago

Receive postcards
icon icon 25th on sent postcards from 26th on longest distance from

About Clarence...

I am a 50-year old teacher from Singapore. I teach 13 - 16 year-olds Geography, History, and Humanities. A geographer and sociolinguist by training, I am always interested in learning more about histories, cultures, and countries of the world. I like pop music (both English and Chinese), reading, traveling (been to 25 countries and territories so far and transited in 3 others), visiting UNESCO World Heritage Sites (108 so far), going on treks to different parts of my city-state, taking photos, and collecting stamps. I also especially like to send and receive postcards, both from my own travels and from other people. Joining Postcrossing since April 2010 has been a most wonderful and delightful experience.

I appreciate every and any card I receive, as long as it is one that you find interesting. but if it is easily within easy reach, I especially like:
~ Lighthouses. My blog site of the lighthouses I have visited / seen and lighthouse stamps and postcards that I have is: <>.
~ UNESCO World Heritage Sites. My blog site of UNESCO sites is: <>.

I have another blog site which lists received postcards of other themes I like: <>.
~ Animals: tapirs, tigers, elephants, bovines (i.e., cows, yaks, bisons), pandas, bears, marine creatures (i.e., dolphins, whales, porpoises, walruses, sea lions, seals, penguins, sea turtles, or manatees, sea cows, and dugongs), goldfish
~ Buddhist images (Buddhas, especially those of Avalokitesvara / Guanyin / Goddess of Mercy, monks, nuns, Buddhist temples, Buddhist iconography)
~ Mazu (妈祖) / Tianhou (天后) images and temples
~ Communist propaganda art (any country's)
~ "Keep calm and ..." (or parody) cards
~ Flag of your country (covering whole front of card, when it matches the country sent from), including the "Flags of the World" series (received so far: ASEAN (sent from KH, ID, MY, SG, TH, VN), AU, AT, KH, CA, CN, EU (sent from AT, DE, IT, RO), FR, DE, ID, LU, MO, MY, NZ, RO, Scotland, SG, KR, CH, TH, GB (sent from England, Scotland), US, VN)

However, this is just if you need suggestions; I sort and store every card received. I'm ok with ad cards that you find interesting. Also, I'm fine with duplicates; I get excited when I receive the same card from two different people! Please use the postcards by writing on them (and not put them into an envelope). Also, the date too!

Thanks in advance to anyone who will be sending me a postcard. If I have not registered your card after a while, it probably means it got sent to the universe of lost postcards (where many cards I sent out are). Just send me a message and I'll gladly register the card anyway; after all, you tried and it s not your fault that it got lost.

Have an excellent life! :)


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