
anni81, Finland
  • country Finland
  • Member since Joined 5th Feb., 2006
  • icon Seen over 8 years ago

Receive postcards
  • icon Not interested in direct swaps
  • icon english, swedish, germany (understands well, writes poorly)
  • icon she/her

About Anni...

A 30-ish female from the capital of Finland. Owner of a silly little dog (half Dachshund, half Welsh Corgi), married to a wonderful man (not little, but sometimes silly). Loves to read all kinds of books (mystery, drama, suspense, history, fantasy...), tends a little garden with great love, socializes, likes to have a good glass of -preferably white- wine every once in a while. Enjoys spring, animals, the great outdoors, watching movies, stand up -comedy, sarcasm, flea markets, aquariums, and...

Though very comfortable with most of the modern conveniences, longs for the style of life in the early 1900s to 1950s; somehow life seems to have been more "genuine" back then. ;) Besides, things made in the "good old days" tend to please her visually (majority of her furniture is old, rustic, and classes in renovating and upholstery have been taken). If not economically challenged due to being in a line of work that doesn't pay too generously, would love to travel a lot!

How about You? The writing on the card is what makes this so exiting to, to me.. :) Aphorisms, poems and quotations are most welcome, as are recommendations on authors, books, music, websites and such. If you can't think of anything about the aforementioned things, I'd be glad to hear about the everyday things in your life (they probably differ from mine) -the little things, something on your mind.. I love vintage- and old-fashioned cards, lighthouses, pictures in black&white and everything surprising/artistic (Art Noveau and vintage-like ads have a special place in my heart -and on my walls), but feel free to send whatever you like!

Every piece of mail will be greatly appreciated!! :D

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